Example sentences of "[adv] when it was " in BNC.

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1 We spent a day together when it was finished because I knew there was going to be a fuss .
2 Only when it was in the net did I realise what size it was and it weighed 26 ob 8 oz , ’ added John who went on to bank five other pike , two of 8 lb 8 oz , and others of 10 lb , 11lb and 14 lb .
3 Service wives were not generally involved in the social scene , only when it was an American evening .
4 Only when it was not possible to squeeze another inch from the land do they stop , allowing the coarse heather to take hold on the steep cliffs .
5 As Professor Elton has argued , it was not regarded as a constitutional force which deserved notice only when it was opposing or restricting the Crown .
6 Only when it was discovered that some men , formerly working on the surface , were working in canteens on the lowest male rate — higher than the female rate — did the union begin to campaign for equal pay for the women .
7 The benefit conferred upon the taxpayers was one which logically followed only when it was determined that there were surplus places and the authorities of the college in their discretion agreed to admit the taxpayers ' children to these places .
8 She thought of taking off her overall — ; she was wearing one of Lily 's blouses underneath — only when it was unbuttoned and she looked in the mirror her chest poked out in a most peculiar way .
9 But of Callanish itself , which Creggan most wanted to know about , she hat refused to speak , saying that the time was not right and she would speak only when it was .
10 The doctor told him he must not walk or move his arm , and to speak only when it was necessary .
11 Only when it was made into a glitzy film by Steven Spielberg did it become widely read and talked about outside feminist circles .
12 Outdoor pursuits , especially walks , were promoted at all times , reading by oneself only when it was raining , and television not at all ( although in old age she herself became a tireless watcher of ‘ the News ’ ) .
13 It had been bad enough when it was only Papa and the newspapers .
14 It was not a professional affair , only a home-movie job , but it worked well enough when it was working .
15 Mind you , no-one volunteered to stay inside when it was .
16 It was too much work for too little money , especially when it was a short review .
17 Summing up a custom-made guitar , especially when it was made for no-one in particular , is a difficult task at the best of times .
18 But sometimes he went down into London instead and roamed about , especially when it was warm .
19 Legislation requiring the registration of houses taking children for adoption followed , but respectable working class women resented this inspection , especially when it was carried out by the Poor Law Relieving Officer .
20 But when the word reached him , and especially when it was seen that Lord Grey himself was with the party , thereafter I can not be sure .
21 Owen loved the bustle of the bazaars , of the whole native city , in fact ; but after you had spent some time in them , especially when it was as hot as this , you felt an overwhelming need for space and air , and after forcing their way through the blocked thoroughfares of the Tentmakers ' Bazaar they were glad to emerge into the more open streets .
22 Especially when it was quite obvious he felt no reciprocal emotion .
23 Especially when it was me he turned to , me he called darling . ’
24 David MacLehose , director of the Confederation of British Industry in Scotland , said a fall in unemployment was always welcome , especially when it was matched with the highest increase in notified vacancies at job centres for two years .
25 Just two miles from the German forward positions , the Mort Homme seemed hardly beyond the scope of a determined thrust — especially when it was recalled that the Fifth Army had advanced three times as far during the first four days alone on the Right Bank .
26 Yes , I think it 's most probably one of the most important goals I 've ever scored in my life , especially when it was last minute , now because we soaked a lot of pressure up and as I say , it 's the best time to score .
27 The Barwickers wish to keep their tradition , so when it was lowered on Easter Monday 1987 I was there to watch .
28 It was a large Victorian family kitchen , and looked so when it was empty or when only Mrs Beavis was there .
29 We 'd received a tip-off about a shipment of cocaine due in at Nice aboard a South American freighter , so when it was unloaded we were able to apprehend the gang without much of a struggle .
30 In the middle and upper classes at least , children stayed " children " for longer ( it was harder for a child to remain so when it was working at the age of 12 or 13 ) ; girls and young women were more shielded from experience outside the home ; parents were , on the whole , stricter and more repressive .
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