Example sentences of "[adv] one [coord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As opposed to the one long one and the , and the one boot shape one er , that 's all yours is it , there is it ?
2 Any given male sang only one or a few of these songs .
3 For the former , since they play against only one or a few opponents , there is no need for learning ; the genetically-determined strategy ‘ cooperate with your neighbour if he cooperates ; otherwise defect ’ can be stable .
4 In particular , when the creature has to take account of a wide range of structural differences and similarities between distinct situations ( as opposed to concentrating on only one or a few physical parameters ) , these structural features can only be represented symbolically — for , by hypothesis , they have no physical features in common .
5 But constraints usually involve power over only one or a narrow range of corporate activities , so that they amount to partial control rather than control over the entire spectrum of major decisions ’ .
6 Systematic risk is associated with movements in the market as a whole , while unsystematic risk is due to events which affect only one or a few assets , not the entire market .
7 Many cases of resistance depend on only one or a very few genes .
8 It does have a happy ending , but what if the child reading had only one or no parents ?
9 Clause 79 provides for discount where there is only one or no resident in the property .
10 Second a number of different methods for using rewards and punishers were described , stressing that it is rare to find interventions using only one or the other .
11 Since this includes all those forms which are conventially termed subjective , it is clear that the distinction between individual and society is only one or the selection or an analytical level , since the two are inseparable .
12 This is not possible , you can not do both , only one or the other .
13 He then ran a gallant race when third to Linwell in the Mildmay Memorial Chase over three miles five furlongs at Sandown Park , conceding twenty-three pounds to the winner and finishing only one and a half lengths behind him .
14 It lasted only one and a half hours but it satisfied body and soul .
15 Seven and a quarter million voted , yes , and only one and a half million ‘ no ’ out of an electorate of roughly ten million .
16 So on top of the five shows and rehearsals every day at the Rex , they did another four at the Olympia and did not even receive double salaries but only one and a half .
17 And so if we look at what was happening to income at that time , we find that the disposable income , meaning the amount of money we have to spend on other things after we 've bought essentials , that figure rose by only one and a half percent throughout this period .
18 Only one and a half drops for me . ’
19 We attempted to investigate , briefly , some aspect of ‘ way of life ’ and found Blacks and Whites had , on average , gone out just under three evenings in the previous week and Asians only one and a half times .
20 Mr. Taylor : As many of the laws that used to be made in the House of Commons are now made by the Council of Ministers , and as we can discuss its decisions for only one and a half hours after 10 o'clock at night , does the Lord President agree that this makes nonsense of democracy and deprives the public of the knowledge of what is going on ?
21 Is my right hon. Friend aware that a significant number of my right hon. and hon. Friends are bitterly disappointed that during today 's Consolidated Fund Bill debate only one and a half hours have been allocated to discussing pension funds ?
22 Mr for the defendant effectively accepts that , but says that having regard to Mr er undoubted success in regard to provision of one to one assistance in relation to other children , some of whom are less disabled than Paul , that I should try and look to local authority will provide thirty hours assistance or thereabouts after say eighteen months and that therefore in this regard the defendant should pay for only one and a half years of er enabler 's time .
23 It 's only one and a half .
24 And therefore , therefore , the hydra that lurked under the city of Kefalov and any hydras roosting in the underbelly of Vasilariov and other cities on this planet were all one and the same .
25 The books of Elizabeth Linington , Dell Shannon and Lesley Egan ( she is all one and the same person ) are good examples .
26 The test of outrage was also considered , and was countered by evidence that in the two years from July 1973 to June 1975 , the film had been shown in 475 cinemas before an audience of approximately one and a half million people without a single complaint to the police or any local authorities until the present case .
27 It can be seen that the trie was in fact faster to search than the reduced memory tree in all three cases , however it uses more memory ( approximately one and a half times as much as the reduced memory tree ) .
28 It stands in its own grounds of approximately one and a half acres and from its elevated position has spectacular views .
29 They stared at each other in silence for a moment , surprised to find that they shared some fragment of a common cause : the unsolved mysteries that troubled them both , though twenty years and half a world apart , were somehow one and the same .
30 It is important to stress that in the UK there is not just one but a very large number of overlapping labour markets .
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