Example sentences of "[adv] would have a " in BNC.

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1 We , we perhaps would have a week or ten days in between cases .
2 Chatam may run for Martin Pipe and if so would have a big chance on the strength of that close second at Leopardstown to subsequent Gold Cup winner Jodami .
3 They would have a different view about which more concrete conception provided the best justification of coercion , and so would have a different view of the implicit extension of the abstract convention in question .
4 It is ironic to think that , if the ex-communist Socialists and the revived Christian Democrats joined forces now , they still would have an easy parliamentary majority .
5 Once Columbus had found his new continent , and the discovery was common knowledge , anyone else mounting an expedition westward would have a rough idea what he would find .
6 Can we then look at the reduced engine thrust erm this presumably would have a significant impact on combat performance , er why is there any change in the security situation that would warrant such a a relaxation ?
7 Hence a cost surface which exhibited both these features everywhere would have a shoehorn-like shape , with the handle at the origin , as in figure 2.5c .
8 ‘ We believe that , if successful , the merger of Airtours and Owners Abroad would have a detrimental impact on competition in the UK package holiday market , and consequently represents a threat to value for money and customer choice , ’ he added .
9 The outcome was that the school was to lose only one member of staff and consequently would have an improved pupil-teacher ratio .
10 Then would having a good head for numbers be the sort of thing that would individuate them at the level of their soul ?
11 Perhaps , however , it was the Sun 's twin star that suffered the collision with another star , leaving a large tendril of ripped-off gaseous material in the vicinity of the Sun which again would have a retarding effect on the Sun .
12 I knew Lloyd Allen was at home as soon as I turned into Jonson Road because nobody else would have a pink ( yes , pink ) 1964 Ford Zephyr — the nearest the British ever got to a car with fins — parked outside .
13 He would have to stay , of course , until the WPC arrived but she should n't be too long and at least AD would have an answer to his question .
14 Seeking to emulate him in every way , he decided he too would have a multiplicity of spouses .
15 Or indeed , if the consequences of that particular policy decision is such that the erm , the revenue considerations were serious and improvable and in which case , you would not be deriving value for money , and I most certainly would have a comment to make .
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