Example sentences of "[adv] what he have " in BNC.

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1 It was n't so much what he had done , though it was the very last thing she had expected , it was the way it had felt , like a high-voltage jolt of electricity .
2 And when the great gentleman detective got hold of the village postman and subjected him to an interrogation which ranged from what he had eaten for breakfast to whether or not he possessed a wireless set and if so what he had listened to on the previous morning , Sergeant Bramble maintained a stoic countenance .
3 Well the Solicitors turned round and said to him that there 's a twenty five per cent chance he 'll lose his licence , but then he 'll get there erm , but most he 'll probably get is about a month , and then he said , well surely your job could find you something to do in that time , has said , no licence , no job , so what he had to do was to .
4 So what he had to do , the the the the customer in fact , is end up by climbing up the bannister to get to the top so that he could get hold of the lad that was at the top get hold of him by the feet and pull him upwards and over and er finally free the man at the bottom .
5 So what he 's done with it I do n't know
6 you know so what he 's done
7 er er so what he 's done , he 's kept that money back to cover his self in case the tax say like they want twenty five percent .
8 So what he 's got to do , erm if he rejects theism , if , on the basis of the diversity of human moral opinion , he has no faith in conscience or any form of moral intuition or any form of religious revelation , he 's got to find some way of arguing that there can be another rational basis for the criticism of moral and social systems .
9 He was diffident , seemingly vague , declaring a lack of knowledge and ignorance of education and of teaching , and that he knew only what he had learned through his own work as a painter .
10 yes , but you talked , listened to a parson on telly , he 's convinced what he 's saying true , yet it 's only what he 's been told in it ?
11 ‘ He does only what he has been told . ’
12 These letters are particularly valuable to us because Pliny was clearly aware of the need to describe objectively what he had experienced , and to resist the temptation to exaggerate .
13 Emily had a way of launching casually into an anecdote about some fix she 'd got herself into in the past and Preston would listen with increasing alarm , wondering just what he 'd got himself into .
14 Just what he 'd hoped to avoid .
15 That was just what he had been .
16 He stood in front of her threateningly , and she wondered just what he had in mind for her .
17 It began to dawn on him just what he had said , and to whom .
18 If we 're to help him get his magic back I 'm going to need to know just what he 's been up to .
19 No I bloody would n't , he said cor that 's awful ! and it it 's just what he 's been doing .
20 The trainer now reports : ‘ Arazi is an intelligent horse , much more mature , and in his work he has been doing just what he has to do . ’
21 Any intelligent man , once he has been given the opportunity to voice his feelings , will understand just what he has done and be able to see that it makes no sense at all to build upon an isolated failure when he has a lifetime of ‘ successes ’ about which he could think .
22 At that time I did n't pause to wonder if he 'd realized exactly what he 'd taken on when he first became involved with Nigel 's funeral arrangements ; I did later , and often , with deep and loving gratitude .
23 Until then he 'd been expecting Blagg , and he might know exactly what he 'd left . ’
24 She would n't tell me exactly what he 'd said .
25 Angy had been stabbed in the throat and that 's exactly what he 'd done to her portrait … he was afraid that would all come out and everyone would think he 'd done it . ’
26 ‘ I do not live with you , ’ she snapped , which was , of course , exactly what he 'd wanted her to do , because he began to grin the second the angry disclaimer left her mouth .
27 What an irony — the republican ideas they had accused him of propagating were exactly what he had left unsaid , and should have said .
28 Unless your doctor were to go to the additional trouble of writing on the prescription that he meant exactly what he had written , and was forbidding the chemist to substitute , you would get the cheapest product .
29 He joined the church 's prayer for boldness to do exactly what he had been told by the authorities not to do .
30 He knew exactly what he had to do .
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