Example sentences of "[adv] been show to " in BNC.

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1 But this bridging paper had apparently been shown to , and agreed with , the Israeli negotiators before it was shown to the Palestinians .
2 Heparan sulphate proteoglycan , laminin , and collagen have all been shown to be linked across cell membranes to cytoskeletal elements , and cytoskeletal proteins have been demonstrated to be condensed at cell-cell and cell-matrix interfaces .
3 Formation of clusters with unprimed T cells has thus been shown to be a functional feature of dendritic cells ; this may explain the striking appearance of S-100 protein + cells in Peyer 's patches , which are considered important sites for induction of primary immune responses .
4 Thirdly , the only course of action if some form of handicap is detected , is to have an abortion , as the handicap has already been shown to be present in the foetus .
5 But this general expectation has already been shown to be misleading in his approach to the monastic life of the community at Canterbury .
6 The mythopoeic power of music has already been shown to be a decisive force in Greek literary history .
7 There is a rapidly growing body of literature supporting the efficacy of MRI for evaluating patients with bone marrow malignancy , and the technique has already been shown to be highly sensitive for detecting bone marrow metastases even in the absence of abnormal pain radiographs , conventional computed tomograms and radionuclide studies .
8 Also the dyslexic child is not necessarily unintelligent because he ca n't write something which you 've just written on the blackboard or which has only just been shown to him in some other way ; the dyslexic person ca n't look up at a blackboard , hold the visual symbols in her mind and get them down on paper in a different position .
9 In the 1970s a series of controlled trials compared the drug with other neuroleptics , and whereas no other drug has ever been shown to be more effective than chlorpromazine ( Largactil ) , clozapine was found to be so in six out of thirteen studies .
10 This respect for authority has appeared throughout the examples given , but it has also been shown to be a respect within certain limits .
11 Garlic extract has also been shown to be a valuable first line of defence against oral thrush .
12 Oesophageal transit and acid clearance have also been shown to be slower in these patients .
13 In addition to its biological activities in stimulating platelets and neutrophils , and enhancing vascular permeability , exogenous platelet activating factor has also been shown to be a potent ulcerogen , inducing extensive gastric mucosal damage and hamorrhage associated with septic shock .
14 The risk of postoperative infections in patients in which a diagnosis of alcoholic liver disease had not been established preoperatively had also been shown to be high .
15 Changes in the gall bladder , such as the increased absorption of water and the hypersecretion of mucous glycoprotein have also been shown to be responsible for cholesterol gall stone formation .
16 The POU domain has also been shown to be important for protein-protein interactions ( 55 ) .
17 It was an area in which competitive private enterprise in the supply of water had early and clearly been shown to be deficient .
18 Oesophageal transit measured by scintigraphic techniques has similarly been shown to be slower in this condition .
19 Since the late eighteenth century , there had developed the ‘ perfectionist doctrine ’ which claimed that ‘ government of the people by the people ’ was most appropriate , but according to Bryce , this had now been shown to be wrong .
20 It is said that assumptions on which he was apparently prepared to proceed have now been shown to be unsound .
21 This pattern of impaired fetal growth has now been shown to be linked to cardiovascular disease .
22 At present , free VPDPR has not yet been shown to be absorbed into the circulation nor specific receptors in the central nervous system identified .
23 In this study nifedipine plus diuretic lowered blood pressure more effectively than propranolol plus diuretic , which has previously been shown to be effective in black hypertensive patients .
24 Speech has previously been shown to be particularly distracting , but research from the project has shown that the effect is not confined to speech , non-speech sounds show the effect also .
25 Collaborative problem solving has previously been shown to be an effective stimulus to individual learning in certain circumstances , using somewhat ‘ artificial ’ tasks .
26 Histamine has previously been shown to be 10 times less potent in stimulating cAMP concentrations in gastric glands isolated from guinea pig antrum when compared with glands isolated from the fundus ( 9×10 - 5 M compared with 10 - 5 M ) .
27 This dose of oestrogen has previously been shown to be the minimum required to prevent bone loss in normal menopausal women .
28 The same RNA samples from several cell lines were probed for ATF1 RNA , β2-microglobulin RNA ( as a monitor of differentiation ( 46 ) ) and CREB RNA which has previously been shown to be present at similar levels in UF9 and DF9 cells ( 47 ) .
29 In the latter case it remains to be determined whether any of the minor polypeptides detected in our assay are related to other CRE-binding activities ( ECRE-1 , ECRE-3 and ECRE-4 ) that have previously been shown to be down regulated during differentiation of F9 cells ( 48 ) .
30 This domain has previously been shown to be important for transcriptional activation ( 44 , 45 ) .
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