Example sentences of "[noun prp] [modal v] get [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The jury takes 35 minutes to decide that Jason should get £35,000 .
2 and er and so I said to Paul , Ann 'll get plenty conversation today .
3 In that way Rocky would get chance to play and develope , Strachan would be able to run rings round the opposition and maybe we get get to beat the scum for a change .
4 The deal means the French bank will get some of the money it is owed , Madagascar will get debt relief and the Missouri garden will be able to increase its efforts to conserve rare plants , which include training botanists and collecting plants to screen them for medicinal value .
5 Even if Telecom could get planning permission for its Ballsbridge site ( although it is difficult to see anyone now wanting to get caught up in a possible planning scandal on top of what has already gone down ) the development costs are going to be huge .
6 Lee Reiswig , head of IBM Personal Software Products says IBM can get NT applications running under OS/2 by implementing a ‘ thin layer ’ of code — but will do it only when there are sufficient applications .
7 Lee Reiswig , head of IBM Personal Software Products says IBM can get NT applications running under OS/2 by implementing a ‘ thin layer ’ of code — but will do it only when there are sufficient applications .
8 Nutty could get Spot over the jumps but did not enjoy it , and Biddy refused to let them swap permanently .
9 Since it was not the job of a public inquiry to question government policy the CEGB should get permission .
10 Of course Wooderson could get things wrong — like the time he went for the British mile record and broke the world time .
11 Coventry decided that it would cost more to contest the claim than pay it ; so Clarkson will get £74 for the party 's four tickets and travelling expenses .
12 Indeed , it is going to be bogged down unless the UN can get things moving with political and military action to make the peace plan work .
13 BRAVE souls thinking of buying in London 's Docklands should get hold of a new free guide from the London Docklands Development Corporation .
14 Inner Cities Minister Sir George Young announced that plans to develop the former Herculaneum Dock in south Liverpool will get government backing .
15 ‘ The reality is that workers at Dagenham can get jobs elsewhere and their colleagues at Halewood ca n't , ’ said Professor Rhys .
16 Outrageous , this is wicked , it 's monstrous , but I 'm absolutely appalled , now I 'm not allowed to speak about her because that 's going to be harmful to her , but any Tom , Dick , or Harry can get information which they have no right to about her and about me , about anybody else , and can flog it .
17 Tremayne will get help . ’
18 He used to telephone often enough , fretting about the arrangements and whether Edwin would get time off to drive him there .
19 Just like Dass would get hold of a pair of curtains .
20 Apart from this it was probably true to say that the Truman Administration , well before it came to an end , had run out of ideas on Vietnam ; and it is probably true also that at the end of 1951 the weight of the French problem was beginning to shift : not so much how the US could get France out but how to keep her in .
21 He says where Oxford is strong is in developing treatments and I think Oxford will get recognitiom for that sort of work .
22 News in brief : Havel may get presidency .
23 Havel may get presidency .
24 Egypt , Jordan and Turkey were expected to receive $10,300 million of the total pledged for 1990-91 , while Djibouti , Lebanon , Morocco , Pakistan and possibly Bangladesh would get $3,300 million .
25 In any case LUFC WILL get money from the Euro champs .
26 Cos Stuart will get tax relief and he had n't put that down .
27 ‘ A couple of weeks in New Zealand will get people tuned in to the type of rugby we want to play ’ — PHILLIP DANAHER ( Ireland captain ) after the debacle in Paris .
28 Perhaps he thought that by giving them some space Maria Luisa would get Steve out of her system .
29 MADONNA will get £3 million to play a hard-nosed street girl in new film Angie I Says .
30 DEMON fast bowler Wasim Akram can get movement off the smoothest surface — even the dance floor at Stringfellow 's .
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