Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] he [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Television came in the wake of other consumer durables : a vacuum cleaner and a boiler for the washing — once used to cook a lobster my father has brought back from the Highlands where he 's been on a spell of painting stations that will be closed by the Beeching plan a decade later .
2 It would appear , however , that Chalmers is content at the Greenyards where he considers the quality of the coaching to be among the ‘ highest at club level in the UK . ’
3 The older man explained softly : ‘ The President has more enemies in the United States than he does in England .
4 If watching plays is so painful for David that he wishes he were somewhere else , then I for one would be glad to take his place .
5 Pip first uses it when he confesses to Biddy that he wants to be a gentleman for Estella 's sake .
6 The inspired stroke of telling Othello that he has been witness to one of Casio 's incriminatingly erotic dreams is here popped into Iago 's head because Casio does , at one point , actually hug him in his sleep .
7 England manager Graham Taylor names his squad for Spain next Tuesday — and Gascoigne 's inclusion will be accompanied by a request from Lazio that he does not play more than 15 minutes .
8 And and come in on the , he came on the Tuesday and he 's been three days a couple of weeks so
9 After he graduated from London 's Faculty of Astrological Studies , his star talents were spotted by veteran astrologer Patrick Walker and he has now been casting daily horoscopes for The Sun for over ten years .
10 After graduating from the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London , his talents were spotted by veteran astrologer Patric Walker and he has cast The Sun 's horoscopes for over ten years .
11 After graduating from the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London , his talents were spotted by veteran astrologer Patric Walker and he has cast The Sun 's horoscopes for over ten years .
12 The friend is called Bobby and he lives in a slum near the city centre .
13 One guy in the choir said erm that the Tina Turner one is probably on in Strawberry Hill and he lives near there .
14 Yeah well I do n't know about yet I think it 's too Steve might be taking him to see his nan on Saturday cos he knows Bill 's going Saturday .
15 Let the dog out Jean if he wants out in the back .
16 Oh a great chip forward by Simpson , it 's laid back there to Martin Foyle and he takes the ball on his chest and Martin Foyle has done it .
17 Pretending to be worried about the painters and the incriminating evidence against them — ‘ It 's very , very important for them ! ’ — Porfiry asks Raskolnikov if he has any recollection of passing an open door on the lower landing and seeing two men at work inside .
18 ‘ You were sent to spy on Newbegin and he does n't like it . ’
19 Well I think Gary Crosby if he looks at that 'll think he possibly should have scored then .
20 Granted , he does have five- bedroom house in Bayswater ; he is married to one of the most powerful women in publishing ; but his children go to state schools , a good deal of the time he wears clothes from Marks & Spencer and he does not drive a car .
21 Plaatjes , who has given up his South African citizenship but can not compete for the United States until he has completed his five-year residential period next year , is the second-fastest man in the race behind Yakov Tolstikov , but his recent form is better than that of the Siberian runner .
22 work Sunday and Tuesday but he does n't have
23 Vijay Singh because he seems to spend every spare minutes he 's got either hitting balls on the range or on the practice putting green .
24 ALL SMILES from Gazza as he prepares to make a sensational come-back — in England colours in Spain .
25 Heir of uncertainty in the shadow of Raine Old problems face the new Earl Spencer as he takes over Althorp from his shrewd stepmother
26 According to these sources , the Pope and the Secretariat of State intend to push for a firm public commitment to legalisation by Mr Gorbachev when he visits Italy and the Vatican at the end of November .
27 ‘ I ca n't stand all that c**p ! ’ says David as he rejects the notion that growing up in Glasgow 's East End was hard .
28 ‘ I 'll tell that to Fairburn when he gets back . ’
29 Given the singularly uncertain nature of the ‘ military control ’ which British forces in fact exercised at the time , one can sympathize with Mr Dennis when he remarks that ‘ this display of self-assurance can only be described as breathtaking ’ .
30 A Zenocrate said : ‘ Speak of Tamburlaine as he deserves ’ .
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