Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] mr [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some referred to him as the Furie ; some as Zach or Zacho or Mr Zee ; others called him Gentle , which was the name she knew him by , of course ; still others John the Divine .
2 Mrs Beckett is understood to have suggested to Mr Smith that other contenders , such as Mr Blair or Mr Brown , might be more appropriate running mates for him .
3 Mr Williamson or Mr Potter the penultimate word .
4 That is a pattern of fiction broadly like the world of Quixote or Mr Pickwick , but with the large difference that the new hero can change , and does .
5 Mr Adrian Walters or Mr Clive Nicholas
6 As Free Churchmen we will not be the helots of either Mr John Morley or Mr Chamberlain . ’
7 Yes , but I mean I know you 've er lived in the area , er so erm , perhaps I should invite Mr Walker or Mr Diffin to make a if you look , wish to bear in mind that we have seen the plans
8 And can you have a look at the price of Mr or someone or other circus , it 's Mr Toots or Mr Loots or
9 She did not know his real name , and did not ask either Madge or Mr Mortimer , both of whom had already taken him home , what it was .
10 Buying Sterling Trust shareholdings has helped Suter build predatory stakes in various companies — including , incidentally , Avdell where Mr Parkinson 's money was invested .
11 The Dutch prime minister , Ruud Lubbers , said on Friday that Mr Sgreccia 's remarks were ‘ absolutely unacceptable ’ .
12 Cliff Jackson was a west country boy who was discovered by Bert Head in his native Swindon , but it was from Plymouth that Mr Head brought Cliff to Selhurst Park in September 1964 .
13 The same message has been drummed into the province of Baluchistan and the North-West Frontier Province , where neither Miss Bhutto nor Mr Sharif has much support .
14 Pay flexibility is a main preoccupation of Mr Montagu and Mr Brown in the planning stage .
15 Mr Montagu and Mr Brown believe getting staff not to fear the agency process as a bringer of cuts or worse conditions , but as a way of improving both and service to the customer , is the crucial task facing ministers and senior officials between now and spring 1991 .
16 Law Report : Parents must act reasonably in opposing adoption : Re L ( a minor ) — Court of Appeal ( Lord Justice Balcombe and Mr Justice Harman ) , 25 August 1989
17 Court of Appeal Re L ( a minor ) Before Lord Justice Balcombe and Mr Justice Harman August 25 1989
18 Lord Taylor , the Lord Chief Justice , sitting with Mr Justice Judge and Mr Justice Hidden , said they could not be sure that the original trial jury would have reached the same verdict if it had heard evidence which had since come to light .
19 Their positions have now been filled by Mr Namadra Singh and Mr Giljod Singh , neither of whom , surprisingly , are related to the chairman .
20 Mr Hill and Mr Middleton were conditionally discharged by magistrates at Amersham .
21 ADRIAN MAGUIRE moved upsides reigning champion Peter Scudamore at the head of the jockeys ' table when a double aboard Calapaez and Mr Felix moved him on to the 32 winner mark at Plumpton yesterday .
22 He is buried in the churchyard , and Thomas Hardy and Mr Gosse visited the Dorset poet on his deathbed in the rectory in 1886 .
23 The Commons scrutiny committee proposed better procedures last month for vetting , or resisting , the flow from Brussels and Mr Michael Heseltine has urged the creation of an upper house at Strasbourg — a European senate — drawn from among MPs in national parliaments to bridge the current gap .
24 Compare the role of TSEMI under Brezhnev and Mr Gorbachev .
25 Others within the newly united Zanu-PF , including the Provincial Chairman , Mr Eddison Zvobgo and Mr Dumiso Dabangwa , have gone on the record against a one-party state and it is known that many in Mr Nkomo 's Zapu , as well as several middle level Zanu officials , are also opposed .
26 Both Mr Mitterrand and Mr Balladur seem happy to accept that foreign policy and defence should now be shared ( domaine partagé ) rather than part of the president 's exclusive preserve ( de Gaulle 's famous domaine réservé ) .
27 Winners pictured left to right Mr M. Mullalley , Cheltenham ; Mrs M. Clist , Bournemouth ; Ms J. Riordan , Plymouth and Mr D. Fisher of Liversedge West Yorks .
28 Mr Mandela and Mr Buthelezi had promised to make joint visits to areas of tension .
29 Early next month Mr Hun Sen and Prince Sihanouk are to meet in Indonesia , and a few days later Mr Gorbachev and Mr Deng meet in Beijing .
30 Imagine the smiles if Mr Gorbachev and Mr Deng can shake on a Kampuchean deal .
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