Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [subord] she " in BNC.

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1 Edward and Wallace Simpson , because Edward abdicated in order to marry a divorced American and so they then went to live in exile and he was eventually , after he died he was buried in Britain , but Wallace Simpson , or the Duchess of Windsor or as she then was
2 Much as she loved Nora , she was sufficiently realistic about her cousin to know that whatever was beginning to develop in her niece would be much more likely to come to something if Constance remained with her in Surrey than if she returned to the north .
3 When she speaks to Jane , which will be over the weekend she 'll ask her if she 's doing anything on Saturday and if she 'd like to babysit .
4 He thinks she should go to Pakistan because if she does n't she 'll get her own way .
5 She looked at Molly as though she had just sentenced her to a lengthy and quite undeserved term of imprisonment .
6 The Estwicks were in Hong Kong , Giles having been required to visit the head office of one of their major commercial sponsors to finalise the details of a competition the radio station was shortly due to run for them , and Cavell Fielding had also departed for the Crown Colony a few days previously , telling Maria that whether she returned depended on Luke 's instructions .
7 It was n't until Thursday that it occurred to Loretta that if she was going near Oxford , she might as well call in on Bridget .
8 Trevor , a male friend , is trying to persuade Brenda that if she let a man take her home they might sleep together .
9 When we get home Penny goes to check on Heather and if she 's asleep , lies down quietly by the cot and waits for her to wake up so she can come and tell us .
10 He sent for Eleanor to join him in Normandy and when she arrived , a message went to Richard , requiring him to surrender Aquitaine to his mother , the lawful duchess .
11 She was previously with IBM and before she left launched a new networking consulting business for IBM North America .
12 Bet went to see Nancy and when she saw the body , she started screaming and would n't stop .
13 It turned out that she lived in some place called Romford and as she was due to take me back there the day after the funeral I had only been left with a few hours to make a decision .
14 He looked at Ronni as though she were a particularly disappointing novelty that had just fallen out of his Christmas cracker .
15 Yet later that evening , when they had both returned home and he had enquired about her meeting with Alison and whether she had bought a pram , she had hesitated before admitting she had actually been to a cinema .
16 B-R has told Margaret Wilkinson that if she wants to go by rail she 'll have to get a narrower wheelchair .
17 My sister Ellen , sir , who has had charge of my first-born this three long years , her husband William died of blood poisoning in September and she is now alone and I have written even before I heard of the plan to go to Rome to beg her to come out here to me with Oreste and if she does , as I think she will , having no other family or ties , then she might look after my house and other child for the winter and we would all profit without further trouble . ’
18 and six pound fifty then week cos I wo n't , you wo n't have them on Monday but if she keeps working it 'll be most Mondays anyway
19 But I did support Mrs Robinson because although she is only a symbol she is a powerful symbol .
20 She was not in the least concerned at her mother 's solitary state but knew her to be so recently buffeted by events that she would not cavil at two visiting teenagers , although she had intimated to Sam that if she filled the house with them , she would kill herself .
21 One of the men , bearded , with roughly patched jeans and a loud laugh , leaned on the back of Rain 's chair , his head close to hers , and talked to Oliver as though she were not there .
22 He wrote to Fisher that while she might never be strong , her health did not depend upon locality .
23 By the time Judith was seven , it was quite obvious to Bertha Cohen that if she was to have any hope of achieving the enlargement of her life that she dreamed of she would just have to try again .
24 But it was to no avail — she was no nearer the McPhersons than when she 'd started .
25 That night Artemis prayed silently to God that if she was going to see her mother , then she hoped it would be soon .
26 I thought it was a bit of a cheek seeing as I 'm due here mornings but I 've nothing against Mrs. Schofield and if she wanted me I was n't above obliging .
27 Talk of the Rector and his unruly family , of her wild Harry 's doings at Oxford , of the poor hunting season it had been , all flowed between her and Aunt Emily and when she rose to go , and Alexandra held out her hand in farewell , Mrs Burrows stalked past her to the door as if she had no more real existence than an armchair .
28 ‘ Bread and jam , my dear ? ’ said Mrs Hollidaye as though she still had her cloth-ears on .
29 ‘ I 'll stick to mineral water , ’ Alyssia said , sourly noticing that Mr Charm was back on the scene when he continued his conversation with Simone as though she had n't arrived on the scene at all .
30 Now Mrs Duffy is hoping to have the murder case involving her son moved to another area where nobody has heard of the name Lee Duffy and where she believes a fairer trial would be held .
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