Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Whether he was meeting Wacko Jacko in LA or reviewing the latest Lurkers 45 , Baker had perspective .
2 Whatever your kind of break , the abundance of things to see and do makes Brighton & Hove the right place to head for any time of year .
3 Not explicitly , but by the perfected mannerisms of smokers , like the way they lick the Rizzla or flick the zippo open .
4 Among other threats Khruschev said the West must settle the Berlin problem and recognise East Germany or face the consequences .
5 You went to Suffolk by the A12 through Chelmsford or took the country route .
6 For example , in the case of BP , LASMO or Shell the expected changes in the price of crude oil can play an important part in determining market prices for options .
7 Jock Houston , secretary of the Borders branch of the Educational Institute of Scotland , said : ‘ Discontinuing or changing the site of a school does require consultation under 1981 regulations .
8 The Ego wants us to develop talents and acquire knowledge , not for the sheer joy and challenge of playing the clarinet , reading Proust or rewiring the house , but so that we will be flattered and admired .
9 We learn more about Tamburlaine as we get deeper into the play , and Marlowe carefully disguises the fact that there is more to Tamburlaine than meets the eye .
10 He told them another long joke and won a laugh out of Bella that sealed the success of the evening for him .
11 THE role of the church in helping to topple the Communist order in Poland and East Germany , compounded by the fact that it was the fate of a Protestant clergyman in Timisoara that triggered the unrest in Romania , has raised the prospect of Romanian churches becoming a focus of political resistance .
12 SCOTTISH striker Graham Harvey promised Linfield a debut goal — and came up trumps with a 36-minute hat-trick in the 5–2 win over Larne that keeps the Blues a point clear at the top of the table .
13 Although we have no record , the Magnolia Grandiflora from the United States that clothe the wall of the north wing of the house must have been some of the first plantings of magnolias at Lanhydrock ; I would guess that are now well inside their second century .
14 ‘ There are thousands of traits all with different intensities of selection — you have to look for the critical ones-for Lovejoy and Latimer that means the joints of the knee and hip , not the hands and feet .
15 It was the United States ' adamant policy with respect to the PLO that made the latter 's relations with Moscow so robust .
16 But there was more to Diana Spencer than met the eye .
17 And following touchdowns by Denis Betts and Shaun Edwards it was the dramatic try-scoring thrust of Martin Offiah that brought the 8,261 crowd to their feet .
18 The training grounds and living quarters of the gladiators ( Caserma dei Gladiatori ) are extensive at Pompeii and adjoin the large theatre ( 148 ) .
19 A 23-year-old Glaswegian based in London , the wiry southpaw with the swarming style was voted boxer of the year last season , when he travelled to Las Vegas and beat the Mexican Javier Suazo for the IBF International championship for boxers ranked between No.10 and No.30 in the world .
20 McAllister placed the tray on the table before Dr Neil and performed the parlourmaid 's traditional bob after she had done so .
21 ‘ Land of limitless possibilities ’ turns out in strength for Mr Major The Prime Minister flew in to Teesside Airport on Tuesday and said the possibilities for the North-East were almost limitless .
22 English National Ballet start their Christmas season at Royal Festival Hall next Tuesday and give The Nutcracker in the Peter Schaufuss staging until January 20 .
23 He negotiated Malaya 's independence from the United Kingdom two years later and was the country 's first Prime Minister , overseeing the creation of the Federation of Malaysia in 1963 , and during the next two years withstanding the threat of " Confrontation " with Indonesia and taking the difficult decision that Singapore secede from the Federation .
24 All the snotty spotty little nerds who support them , who would go weak at the knees and soil themselves if they ever ever went to see MUFC and met the abovementioned evil evil types .
25 Cheryl decided that as Angela would be away all afternoon and Mrs. Yatton wanted her shoes for the weekend , she would go into Linby and fetch the shoes and at the same time collect the signalling flags , if Jessica had found them .
26 Make your way to the southern side of Loch Assynt and follow the shore as long as you can and then take the easiest line of travel staying parallel to the loch .
27 Pakistan , Iran , India and the Gulf states having mostly refused military bases to the superpowers could in his view credibly affirm their opposition to the permanent presence of Soviet troops in Afghanistan and endorse the objective of returning Afghanistan to a non-aligned status .
28 In the south the neo-fascist Italian Social Movement ( MSI ) trebled its vote to 17 per cent in Reggio Calabria and became the city 's second-largest party , proposing a coalition with the anti-Mafia Network ( La Rete ) which took 8.2 per cent , with the Democratic Party of the Left ( PDS — formerly the Communist Party ) and with the hardline Marxist Communist Refoundation Party to challenge the traditional parties .
29 In 1878 he tramped through the Cevennes with a donkey named Modestine and discovered the delights of Travels with a Donkey .
30 We 'll fly down to Chernay and inspect the airstrip tomorrow .
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