Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [noun] you " in BNC.

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1 Well er I think that getting away the oh you live in Nottingham , oh fancy that you know , you , you know where you 're starting , you know , everyone either works for Boots or used to work for Boots and , you know , you 've got a rough idea , you , you , you do n't need to go into the oh fancy that you know , all that 's arranged so erm I think i i it 's , i i i it 's the middle of September when we either go to Los Angeles , I think we go to Los Angeles , and fool around Hollywood and San Diego and places and down to see a and then away off to erm Las Vegas and Flagstaff you know about this meteor crater in Flagstaff , that apparently is why you go to Flagstaff tt a meteor came , the meteor crater is there tt and then the Grand Canyon and go through national park which San Francisco and erm spend erm two or three days there and then come back again .
2 Tuesday and Thursday you worked late , until seven-thirty ; and there was Saturday and Sunday too , if you wanted — and Anton wanted .
3 with Dennis and Marge we 'd been out with Dennis and Marge you know , a while back , and they 're both Scottish and they run this country down to the
4 Erm , I do n't think it 'll ever take off actu , actually , because er you 've got all the traffic all there already and if you 've got say , say you have got Hibs and Hearts you got all the traffic going out there at the same time and it 's gon na be chock-a-block !
5 Although the graphics standard of CGA implies low quality to those with EGA and VGA you would be wrong to expect anything less than excellent , clear and colourful screens .
6 For example , if your working week is Monday to Friday but you are sick Friday , Saturday and Sunday you must notify the whole absence .
7 Is that Pepsi or Coke you 've got there ?
8 IF you think of Vermont and music you think of White Christmas .
9 Well it is it 's it 's planned pretty well as you know we we always take the summer off we never work during the summer because we do our recording and we make our video and then we 're ready for the road and the video 's released and there 's promotion put into it so er if we go to Australia which we 'll go on our next May and June you know it 's a good time out there for selling product as well so we will have an album released before we get out there and and everything will be planned out .
10 Well the old boy works at Beck and Pollitzers you know ?
11 Bill , Roger and Vincent you will be the respective time keepers okay I 'll give you timing in due course but remember to give a two minute warning which is the rap on the desk make sure going on and you will find out the role plays will or may run over time .
12 Joan , Diane and Max will be on P H I which is role play number two , Bill , Roger and Vince you 'll be looking at pensions and Rob you 'll be just doing savings .
13 represent the meeting , will no doubt be present from Breckland and no doubt will put the views erm , but it 's , it 's this , Breckland and Norfolk you wan na get to grips with and it 's only members you wan na see , I will in fact er , you know , I 'll make that point anything that 's necessary at the meeting , Parish Council will be present , but I 'll get onto er
14 as Mr and Mrs you see ?
15 So on Silver and Knitmaster the side levers must be back on ? , on Brother the change knob must be on KC and on Toyota the card levers are on C. On Silver and Knitmaster you wo n't see the needles being selected of course , but they are .
16 And then if it 's in another area which invariably is if you 've got to give them somewhere like Trowbridge or sometimes erm in Bath or Chippenham You then have to ring up D S S to find the address .
17 It was so dry , now , you know the scrumpy you get here , I mean , that , that , scrumpy jack is nothing like it , but the first time you drink real scrumpy in Somerset or Devon you know , or , or , or around there , and we go and your mouth goes
18 However , listening to Tommy Horton & Co you would think Nick Faldo was fighting a war on our behalf .
19 When you buy or rent satellite from Granada and Visionhire you can choose from leading brands such as Amstrad and Pace .
20 Would it be sensible for us to agree that on Monday of next week , we finalise , authorise and reissue procedures , that we discuss whatever Simon 's put to us now , and give feed back so that you can actually take the final documents next week and that Rita and Stella you take
21 And er certainly Amanda who who 's on strike then you know I mean they do n't get equal pay the women the the the three women that came out I mean one of them 's gone back an Amanda and Helen you know I mean they they were on they were on terribly low wages .
22 In Sweden and Norway you have two countries where you can not buy a beer without taking a bank loan , yet everywhere you go you see grossly intoxicated people — in train stations , on park benches , in shopping centres .
23 To prepare melons for chopping once you have removed the skin or to serve smaller melons like Galia or Charentais you need to remove the seeds .
24 and when I see the buses now running around , they seem to run everywhere I do n't on earth what kind of running board they 've got because in my day it was so well regulated that erm you just recorded certain intermediate stages and I quote Witton and Rushmere you get , used to get Witton Terminus , Norwich Road Bridge , Sherrington Road , Barret Corner , Electric House and you gave an indication of the time that those buses should be passing those times .
25 If you work in Marks and Spencers you wear er their uniform .
26 Well I said that 's a complicated way but I have to do that when I go over to Marks and Spencers you see .
27 No , it 's erm the woman who 's doing it ha also does a lot of research for Marks and Spencers you see so See , you did n't explain it to him very well .
28 from Marks and Spencer you know different shapes .
29 ‘ Poor Lavinia is certainly past hope , and whether she ends by giving the property to Araminta or Benedict you can not possibly remain there . ’
30 Prices will be announced at Motorfair , but as with Skoda and Lada you should be able to buy this Escort-size car for less than a Fiesta .
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