Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Some of his oldest friends , who for years had been accustomed to seeing him , fat and genial , as the leading light of a pig-sticking expedition , were astonished to hear him now holding forth like a veritable Newton or Faraday and discussing the latest discoveries in medicine as fluently as if they were entries in the Bengal Club Cup or the Planters ' Handicap .
2 The later term that Freud adopted to this super ego has become synonymous in people 's minds with conscience the idea of the super ego as the the role of conscience and presum presumably that 's another aspect of the same thing and er Serg Moskovicy in his excellent book Age of the Crowd erm which is on the reading list which I can thoroughly recommend in discussing this point of how Freud sees the leader as the kind of super ego of the followers quotes one of the Nuremberg war criminals , I forget which it was now erm Goering or Goebbels or one of these er people who when asked of the Nuremberg war tribunals why did you do the things you did , replied Adolf Hitler was my conscience and that 's er that 's a very erm good example of this idea of er how the the role of conscience can be transferred from the individual to the , to the leader of the group and I suppose Dean you would say erm illustrates one of the greatest dangers of group , group membership because er obviously if if that happens in a group , then erm individuals are to some extent erm surrendering their moral self-responsibility and of course if Freud 's insight is correct , then there was an element of truth in in this in this excuse Adolf Hitler was my conscience .
3 Fly Delta from Gatwick to Cincinnati or Atlanta and once you 're through the convenient immigration and customs , you 'll be greeted by Delta Passenger Service Agents .
4 I liked to have a few days out in Middlesbrough , Sunderland or Newcastle but now I ca n't do this anymore and I 'm stuck in Hartlepool . ’
5 Having perfected their methods — and made fortunes — at home , German discounters such as Lidl & Schwarz and Aldi looked to the rest of Europe .
6 The defender averred that as a result of that announcement he telephoned Macfie & Alexander , speaking to Mr Rae , one of the partners , and told him to expect an offer of £70,000 from Ferguson & Forster and that he instructed Mr Rae that when the offer was received , he ( the defender ) would consider its terms and if he found them satisfactory he would instruct Mr Rae to accept the offer .
7 if we got the , the whole video of Rosie and Jim or Rosie and Jim did n't
8 He 's like a Joseph Conrad character , like Lord Jim or Nostromo or Kurtz .
9 Her position is that the person who calls on Osiris or Krishna or Buddha with a pure heart receives the Holy Spirit within his own tradition and not by abandoning it for another .
10 A typical example of a confidential collection of information might be a list of customers ( see for example Robb v Green [ 1895 ] 2 QB 315 and Summers ( William ) & Co Ltd v Boyce & Kinmond & Co ( 1907 ) 23 TLR 724 and Bullivant ( Roger ) v Eillis Ltd [ 1987 ] ICR 464 but cf Auto Securities Ltd v Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd [ 1965 ] RPC 92 ) .
11 She stood up as I entered the room , greeting me as if we were in a drawing-room in Chelsea or Gloucestershire and not in prison .
12 The provisions show familiar names , with biscuits from Huntley & Palmer and McVitie & Price and pots of Tiptree jams .
13 Confucius or Conrad or whatever you call him was on the doorstep .
14 Were there parents of Crump or brothers and sisters of Crump ?
15 Something of the difference between working for Dean or Balcon and for John Maxwell can be gleaned from the fact that denizens of the latter referred to BIP 's script department as the Borstal .
16 This partnership , which included the silver manufactory , traded under the style of Storr & Mortimer until Storr 's retirement on 31 December 1838 ; subsequently the firm continued as Mortimer & Hunt and then Hunt & Roskell .
17 All of these turn up , in various guises , in floor-strewn , three-dimensional work , carved from York , Springwell or sandstone or modelled in clay and then cast in bronze .
18 The Minister is right to say that people think of themselves as Yorkshiremen or Durhamers or Teessiders rather than Tynesiders .
19 In nineteenth-century Queensland it was claimed that Devons produced as much beef per acre as Herefords or Shorthorns and also produced a good proportion of lean meat to fat when crossed with the Shorthorn .
20 You made them Horlicks or Ovaltine or tea or coffee .
21 So every century we were in he 'd say ‘ We must drop in and say howdy to Michelangelo or Raphael or Donatello or Leonardo , ’ and he 'd get his picture painted . ’
22 Blue watchers are saying that IBM chief John Akers will be out by March or April and that the company in its infinite wisdom will give the job to one of those retired IBMers it just just brought back from the pasture , probably Kaspar Cassoni .
23 He suggested that elections to the constituent commission be brought forward to March or April and be held under international supervision .
24 Erm it is admitted that people are gon na have go much further to get their treatment ah , that was quite clearly stated as part of the the down side of it , and I do n't think we can tolerate that until we 've got a decent public transport system that 's going to allow patients to get by public transport from here to Colchester or Witham or Clacton or wherever and er and their , their relatives and friends to be able to follow to visit them if you know , as necessary .
25 Of course , I 'd heard of AIDS and the destruction of that immunity , but somehow that was happening to homosexuals in LA or Brighton and not here with me , deep in the pastoral Hampshire countryside .
26 Perhaps not in the sense of de Maria or Ericson and Ziegler but surely so in the sense that the idea of it often takes precedence over all other of its aspects .
27 In the sixties my heroines were not Bardot or Monroe or Vivien Leigh , but Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies .
28 What we answer to ‘ what am I ’ , categories like Scot or Jew or Protestant are vague by comparison with Dunningite or excellent-maker-of-baskets or enthusiast-for-books-about Ireland .
29 1.17 In latent defect cases the onus of proof is on the party setting up the defect as a defence ( Henderson v Henry E Jenkins & Sons and Evans [ 1970 ] AC 282 ) .
30 With a current order book of eight months , the company is working on a number of large contracts throughout Dumfries & Galloway and Ayrshire , including construction of a £3.5 million police headquarters in Dumfries .
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