Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adv] know [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Georgina already knows about the affair . ’
2 Richard not known as Mersey Tunnel Gob or anything !
3 The result was fourteen months of the hardest work that Michael Ramsey ever knew in his life .
4 Based on a series of works by Picasso collectively known as the Antipolis cycle , made in 1946 to 1947 , the images have been engraved on to metal plates by Claude Rodrigues and printed uninked ( a technique known as gaufrage ) .
5 Paul McCartney and Bjorn Borg both know about it .
6 It is the first drop of a deluge of such material , which makes social life in Egypt in the centuries after Alexander better known to us than any other part of the ancient world .
7 Mrs Lynde already knew about Anne 's troubles at school , and she was always very pleased when people asked her to help .
8 He grew sugar beet everywhere and built , on an island in the Thames still known as ‘ Brandy Island ’ , a large distillery to make spirit with the sugar beet .
9 In 1840 Thomas Wilkins , who was at the time running a successful baking business , took over the mill in the centre of Bourton then known as Lower Valley Water Mills .
10 It was so dark that Hazel seldom knew for certain whether he was leading or whether Bigwig or Silver might not be ahead .
11 Lewis Carroll possibly knew of this phrase but , because he refers to the grin outlasting the rest of the body , it is more likely that his real influence was the cheese rather than the swordsman .
12 THE TITLE of America 's wealthiest person bestowed each year by Forbes magazine has passed to John Kluge , a media baron from Virginia less known for his billions than his wife 's passion for the British royal family .
13 Over 2.5 million tonnes of tin-in-concentrates has been produced from veins associated with Variscan granites which intrude Devonian metasediments-locally known as ‘ killas ’ .
14 Masha Cohen also knew of such things , not in the same way , but from her own very different experiences as a young girl whose family had been harassed and hounded in the anti-semitic agitations that rent Poland .
15 Allie Byrne gives an enjoyable performance as the cool countess who is attracted to Viola now known as Caesario .
16 Many of the documents signed at Halling bear the signatures of these men and among these we find Phillip de Poucnessh now known as Punish Hill ; Richard le Veel , Veles of Snodland ; John le Lad now Lads Farm ; John de Holoweye , Holoway Court Snodland ; and another name that lives on to this day is Bavens Bank , which probably derives its name from Adam de Bavent .
17 Mary never knew until now , that the others exisited .
18 Johnson therefore knew in advance the principal social and economic demography of his readership — the professional and/or wealthy classes in and around London .
19 And then the Date Line is passed , and we are into a segment of the Pacific best known for its unrivalled prosperity and good fortune : here is the United States , sharing with Japan the suzerain 's role ; and , sandwiched between its two continental divisions , the Dominion of Canada .
20 ‘ Are the Camerons well known for being plain-spoken , señorita , or are you the only one ? ’
21 Stuart 's coach at Penn State is Barry Gorman well known to Irish League fans during his spell here with Linfield and other clubs .
22 On the other hand , de Gaulle undoubtedly knew about the invasion plan , did not declare unambiguously against it ( because he needed it to be a plausible threat in order to coerce the republican leadership ) , and , when the regime 's resistance stiffened momentarily on 27 – 28 May , was willing to contemplate coming to power as a result of it .
23 What are the Nannostomus better known as ?
24 The latter Dinah already knew by heart and loved , and the sonnets ; but now she was Imogen , Viola , Perdita , Portia , Beatrice , Juliet .
25 And does Armitage somehow know about their affair ?
26 Their king was Albion , the son of Poseidon also known as Neptune , the sea god .
27 To put Maastricht in context there are two commendable sources for the integrated texts of the treaties of Maastricht and Rome now known as the ‘ European Community Treaty ’ .
28 Of course , most of these assertions are merely matters of opinion , often rather wild opinion , for one ca n't help wondering just how much Messrs Ashdown , Smith and Brown really know about the ‘ other European countries ’ they so blithely summoned to their aid .
29 At this stage no-one in India yet knew about Jones and Palmer , nor what had motivated them .
30 Bernard never knew of the rift between Phil Morris and Laura .
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