Example sentences of "[noun prp] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Are they causing a stink over what we did at St Denis the other night ? ’
2 The word chapel , capella , means literally ‘ a little cloak ’ ; and the cloak from which the word derives was the cloak of St Martin of Tours , after St Denis the chief patron of the Frankish kingdoms .
3 In grand surroundings like the choir of St Denis the golden cross made around 1140 stood twenty-three feet high .
4 The right hand is laid on the breast , but as with Nikandre the belted waist makes a sharp horizontal accent below which the skirt is a straight pillar , emphasised here by rectilinear incisions , guidelines for paint no doubt also present on the marble though perhaps more discreetly ( see below , p. 28 ) .
5 WALLS The only thing left if your house or flat is still not as warm as you would like is wall insulation .
6 Well why not try Wolverhampton the golden glow of the amber shirts of Wolves will take on the proudly bar coded Magpies and would n't we like to see Notts wallop Wolves .
7 In the Annelida and the Onychophora the internal structure of each segment is very similar to that of the segment preceding or following it .
8 When Douglas MacArthur returned to America , MacArthur had not been back to America since nineteen forty one this is ten years later , he 'd been running Japan in the meantime there was one of these huge ticker-tape parades in New York , he was the welcoming hero and President Truman was seen as the villain and some analysts argue that that decision , that single decision to sack MacArthur may well have cost Harry Truman the American presidency .
9 Fortunately for president Truman the American troops dispatched to stop them were officially declared a United Nations army engaged in a ‘ police action ’ to restore peace .
10 I remembered Frank baiting me at Gateshead the previous year .
11 But to show Ian the detrimental effects of talking when you should be working , Mrs Britten held up Ian 's painting in front of the class and systematically ridiculed his efforts ; this with Ian standing beside her going redder and redder with every word .
12 At Eton the different houses and classrooms were spread over a large area , and in the next day or two I had somehow to find out where and when which masters were teaching me what subjects .
13 When we come to Waterloo the Great Duke 's extraordinary ability to be exactly where he was needed at the crucial moment is well described , as are his outward calm and inspiring courage .
14 SALVATORE FERRAGAMO The refined gambler 's tie , patterned in greyhounds on a daring tangerine ground .
15 Eventually , as the winter darkness descended , the fighting ceased , both sides boasting of a victory , though as Argyll re-occupied Sheriffmuir the following morning he had the better claim to have won .
16 Poor bugger had caught a bad one in an ambush outside Blarney the previous day .
17 The events of May 1968 inflated still further the Sartrean myth of Nizan the youthful iconoclast .
18 For Nizan the moral strength afforded the writer by revolutionary ideology eliminates the need for self-justification within the ethos of his work , eliminates the need to apologise for failing to conform not only to the conventions of bourgeois political structures , but also to the conventions of bourgeois literary structures .
19 Now , thanks to his intervention , the bodies of the two English tourists were being brought back to Bucharest and would be flown to London by Tarom the following Tuesday — in coffins of Romanian oak .
20 From Moscow the sinister Musso returned after 20 years in the Soviet Union .
21 However , after a further round of talks with Saddam Hussain on Oct. 28 , he left for Moscow the following day , his only apparent success being the Iraqi agreement to allow the return in the coming weeks of some 1,000 Soviet nationals who had been working in Iraq .
22 ( Yeltsin had unexpectedly cancelled all engagements for Jan. 27 and left Moscow the following day , missing the opening of the Middle East Peace Conference — see p. 38740 — and a meeting with the Japanese Foreign Minister . )
23 He flew , with Isobel , to Moscow the following week .
24 It is true that even during the final talks in Moscow the American delegation had to keep a wary eye on those at home who argued against the surrender of the advantages which they expected the United States to derive from further tests above ground .
25 The ban may , however , give Mrs Marcos the perfect opportunity to shed a few tears in front of the television cameras .
26 In T.buttikoferi the light and dark bands are about the same width , but in T.joka the dark ones are about 3–4 times as wide as the light .
27 ( In Germany the supreme court has just decided that pregnant women may lie about the pregnancy to an employer . )
28 In Germany the average rate per ton-kilometre declined by 74 per cent between 1840 and 1880 .
29 In France the system was much more centralized , and it might be that the stiffness of the Napoleonic system was one reason why France had lost to Germany the prominent place she had had at the beginning of the century when that system was set up .
30 In Germany the Federal Infrastructure Plan of 1985 makes provision for 4,500km of high speed line including 800km of new line ; in Italy and the Alta Velocita network will consist of 2,200km of new and upgraded line in a T shape linking Milan , Rome , Naples , Turin , and Venice ; in France the TGV ( Train a Grande Vitesse ) network will eventually total 7,000km including 2,300km of new lines such as the recently announced TGV Nord which will link with the Channel Tunnel : and in Spain the government has decided to adopt the standard European gauge for all new high speed lines with priority being given to the Madrid-Cordoba-Seville and the Madrid-Saragossa-Barcelona-French border lines .
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