Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 After I was at court I had to go back to Low Newton to wait for a few weeks before I could go to Styal prison .
2 Then Swindon asked for a million pounds , Chelsea offered nothing , and Hoddle was valued at a maximum of 175 thousand pounds .
3 Rodney Hampton ran for 138 yards and Jeff Hostetler passed for a pair of touchdowns .
4 Sunderland asked for a £50,000 facility fee for admission to their match with Middlesbrough .
5 And we see the RAF prepare for a flypast to celebrate their seventy fifth anniversary .
6 With her new role Alison qualified for a company car .
7 A NIGHTCLUB bouncer accused of murdering Marie Wilks asked for a cloth to clean his car hours after her disappearance , then asked to keep the cloth , a court was told yesterday .
8 Whitehall asked for a slower offtake of the gas , a guarantee that UK companies would share in the development of three platforms in 1990 , 1992 and 1994 , and that the natural gas liquids ( NGLs ) from Sleipner should go by UK pipelines to Flotta in the Orkneys .
9 DALIAN ATKINSON could be the next target as England manager Graham Taylor looks for a hit-man .
10 In 1940 , Lola Hahn-Warburg and Elaine Blond for the RCM joined with the Council for German Jewry to appeal for a state support for Youth Allyah .
11 Chris Nicholls from Plymouth asked for a Turbo The Tortoise infinite lives poke , so thanks go to W Keenan from Tyne and Wear for his/her help .
12 I take a hotel on the rue Larbi Ben M'Hidi , formerly the rue d'Arzew where Camus lived for a while , a street of arcades and white buildings with yellow ornamentation .
13 Two years ago the 41year-old received a similar amount when his former teams of Liverpool and Arsenal met for a testimonial match .
14 How come the board have allowed Cuntona to go for a sing and a prayer ?
15 Bella asked for a divorce because she was going to marry Jim .
16 Stéphane Dumas looks for a soul in things that have been thrown away to continue their life as rubbish .
17 A lot of the members told me I was very good — I could pull clubs well and read greens — and I should try going to the Bing Crosby to work for a pro in the tournament .
18 erm many people came to Kuwait to work for a short term and after a while they realised it 's fine so they continued to stay there for a long time , and that is the haven that we were talking about .
19 One Sunday I asked Biddy to come for a walk on the marshes .
20 They were both astonished and Lomas stopped for a moment to stare at the floor .
21 Steve continued with us in One until the following March , when he crossed the Atlantic to play for Vancouver Whitecaps for a couple of seasons , but he joined the Palace for a third time in the summer 1981 as our Youth Coach and was then appointed Manager in mid-November , charged with keeping the side in Division Two , following relegation from Division One .
22 On a snowy winter 's day in 1948 , Czech communist leader Klement Gottwald posed for a photo with his inner circle .
23 Benjamin 's parent 's home was created by Richard Sylbert on a sound stage , but the underwater sequences , which Dustin practised for a week , were shot in a real outside pool with a glass wall for photographic purposes .
24 But le Havre and Cherbourg opted for a simple and austere classicism , with the new vogue for geometrical emphasis to the fore .
25 The death in December 1989 of Prime Minister Herbert Blaize allowed for a reshaping of Grenadian politics during 1990 .
26 Bella telephoned for a taxi .
27 * The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has launched a report in Brussels calling for a radical overhaul of the Common Agricultural Policy .
28 This followed United States calls for a multilateral effort to persuade North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons development programme [ see also this page ] .
29 Anne Billson yearns for a touch of Mel Brooks in Europa Europa
30 The influential US Senate minority leader Bob Dole calls for a cut in foreign aid to Israel .
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