Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] was that " in BNC.

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1 In the present case the position when Mrs. Dennis died was that her husband had not yet been adjudicated bankrupt .
2 What the anthropologist Jacques Maquet knew was that a few weeks after finishing this sombre painting , Rothko committed suicide .
3 What Yves meant was that in every act , in every gesture in the game , there is a degree of aggression .
4 My note indicates that what Mr Curtis said was that on a pro rata to their existing
5 This was specifically endorsed by Lord Pearce in Esso where he explained that what Lord MacNaghten meant was that the adequacy of consideration was a key to oppression and that oppression is a key to reasonableness .
6 What Gordon found was that the passages rewritten by the class containing the most poor readers were the ones which were subsequently found to be the most comprehensible .
7 What Emerson demonstrated was that her younger children had difficulty in using the causal connective as a clue to the temporal order of the events described .
8 In fact , what Fischer observed was that the fishes operate a system of pretty strict alternation .
9 A second approach Bush mentioned was that he would meet the 150 or so new House of Representatives members before they become captives of the leadership or the lobbyists .
10 The reason why the Bill failed was that the Government were , I think , contemptuous of the House .
11 What Mr Birchall noticed was that a diet lacking in silicon seems to have the same effect as one rich in aluminium .
12 The first thing that George found was that the work of fracture of wood was quite exceptionally high , although of course it has nothing resembling a dislocation mechanism to help it .
13 That 's what Douglas said was that it 's T
14 The essence of what Mr Hussain said was that following the marriage he would remain in England on a settled basis as a married man for just so long as his wife dictated .
15 What Taylor suggested was that every now and then , but very rarely , a sheet of atoms is not complete .
16 What psychologists George Sik and Stephen Smith found was that the person most needed in a team is older and more caring .
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