Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Also , the Manager of the National Westminster 's Tywyn Branch will be at the Church service on Sunday morning as a representative of the Bank who sponsor the Award scheme nationally .
2 Giant Tortoise … a visit to the beautiful island of La Digue can be booked locally as a day excursion by ferry from Praslin …
3 If you wish , an optional day-trip to the island of La Digue can be taken .
4 NCR Corp will be announcing Top End 2.0 in the middle of next month , its next-generation transaction processor for mainframe-class on-line transaction processing applications in client/server environments .
5 NCR Corp will be showing-off its Disk Array Plus software , which , the company says , allows users the benefits of RAID — redundant array of inexpensive disks — technology without the need to purchase new disks , because it works with existing disks .
6 HSC Interactive in California has used the system to develop multimedia applications ; NCR Corp will be shipping IconAuthor as a ‘ recommended product ’ for its new ‘ learning stations ’ ; and , as mentioned above , Silicon Graphics has also endorsed IconAuthor .
7 With Unix System Labs slipping away from AT&T to Novell Inc , AT&T subsidiary NCR Corp can be more comfortable promoting Top-End , its competitor to USL 's Tuxedo transaction processing monitor .
8 If there is a need to dig deeper , the Norfolk long-spade will be required .
9 Monaco also had several demands to make of Otto and was present at his coronation on 12 July 1198 , possibly to seek that the Lombard cities should be free from imperial encroachments .
10 To satisfy Canadian tax authorities , SoftKey shareholders will be offered either 3.6 WordStar shares or 3.6 new SoftKey non-voting shares each later exchangeable for one WordStar share with full voting rights .
11 DPT polishing can be done on the same machine , using graduated diamond pastes , but in the Edinburgh workshop we have found that better results are obtained on a separate polishing machine .
12 Being treed by the great wonder-rabbi Shmuel ben Issachar might be written off as an occupational hazard ; being trapped — on an assignment officially aborted-by an undead amateur is unforgivable .
13 The elongated figures of Bartholomeus Spranger are well illustrated in his Resurrection , while the more etherial work of Hans von Aachen may be appreciated in his Annunciation of 1613 .
14 All of them say that the MacSharry plans would be devastating for farmers in every part of the United Kingdom .
15 Winsford Flash will be tried for bream while large roach often take caster and hemp on the Red Lion and Aerosol .
16 The number of alumni living abroad is also staggering and it looks likely that more Napier groups could be set up around the globe .
17 Bernard Seyburn would be pleased to hear from anyone who may have served with him in Singapore .
18 Union researchers must be used more systematically to support the party 's work .
19 Applications or nominations for the next Bader award should be sent to the international affairs officer , RSC , Burlington House , Piccadilly , London , to arrive not later than Friday 29 May 1992 .
20 ‘ The Herr Admiral will be riding in the Tiergarten at ten o'clock as usual .
21 HS accessories can be added to either version of the Prelude — the 2. litre , 2. litre or 2. litre VTEC .
22 Even if Bernard Stasi may be right in describing Jack Lang 's cultural policy as a ‘ spectacular performance played behind closed doors for the amusement of the prince and his obliging friends ’ , it will be a challenge to succeed him , the longest serving Minister of Culture of the Fifth Republic .
23 Embroiderer and writer Beryl Dean will be speaking on Present Day Ecclesiastic Embroidery .
24 He had hoped Hereford RAF base could be saved .
25 Any information on the murder of Murray Pugh will be dealt with on a direct line to the Incident Room on Cheltenham 250405 .
26 Research on the project may last two years , but its director , Franz Weissbach , is confident that , once the process is perfected , a Trabant chassis could be completely consumed by the microbes in two weeks .
27 Motorists who are having a rest day at Fort William can be strongly recommended to travel to Mallaig and back on the train , getting a window seat and , for a change , feasting their gaze on the passing scenery and not on the road in front : an effortless journey of sheer delight all the way .
28 It 's to one of the greatest of Champagne Houses that guests on board the Orient Express will be escorted on Sunday morning .
29 The 28-year-old Middlesbrough reserve will be thrown into a pressure-cooker game for a dramatic debut after a season of Central League football and a seven-match loan spell with former club Scarborough .
30 Apart from exhibitions from its stock of artists such as Mary Cassatt , Maurice Prendergast and John Singer Sargent , which Adelson plans to hang in the new gallery , a show of contemporary sculptor Jim Ritchie will be on from 12 November to 5 December .
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