Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [noun sg] know " in BNC.

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1 RELATIVES are flying in from Japan to celebrate the golden wedding of a Newton Aycliffe couple known to hundreds of club members in the area .
2 Henry Kaufman , the Wall Street economist known as Dr Doom , fears precisely this sort of outcome from this year 's banking reform : a corporatist structure whose benefits to insiders would come from concentrating ownership and limiting competition .
3 The result of the meeting was an agreement that Mr Asquith should consider the proposals made to him , and let Mr Bonar Law know as soon as possible whether he would join the Government under him .
4 So the new North Tees Health Trust knew who to turn to open their new sports injury clinic next Wednesday .
5 But a few locals regretted her presence , and Lee Kuan Yew knows it .
6 What 's being bid for Oxford United and more important who 's doing the bidding no-one except the Manor Ground management knows … no statement … no facts … no figures will be released until a deal is done … contracts are signed and the money is in the bank …
7 Under a provision of US fishing law known as the Pelly Amendment , the President can now impose trade sanctions against Norway for its defiance of the IWC moratorium on whaling .
8 He had lined up assorted members of the crack US Navy team known as the Seals , a 100-horsepower Zodiac boat , a helicopter , and an oxygen back-pack with six minutes of air .
9 The organisers of the Kettering rescue mission know the task ahead of them is dangerous .
10 The corner of Darlington Town Hall known affectionately as the Rogues Gallery where photographs of former civic dignitaries are displayed has long lacked just one mug shot to make its collection complete .
11 As people in Springhill Community House know from experience the key issue in West Belfast is the provision of employment .
12 Indeed , the pineal of a New Zealand reptile known as the tuatara is pigmented and so close to the surface that it looks similar to a real eye .
13 The Northern Ireland public knows a good deal when it sees one .
14 The Northern Ireland Office knew that a point had been reached where the overwhelming majority of the Population , including Roman Catholics in the districts which the Provisional IRA claimed to protect , was so hostile to it that few cared as to what methods were used to wipe it out .
15 The part of the Leicester relief road known as the SDDR — the southern district distributor road — is already discharging traffic on to the A6 at Oadby , a borough in my constituency , to the south of the city .
16 But Gloucestershire County Council knew deep down that Whitehall would n't be happy .
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