Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [be] by " in BNC.

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1 British viewers of Manhattan Cable are by now familiar with Robin Byrd , whose late-night TV show consists of her reclining in a string bikini , a microphone clipped somewhat clumsily on to one breast , exhorting viewers to ‘ lie back and get comfortable ’ while various folk bare their pimply bottoms and everything else in an on camera strip show .
2 Its like me old man was saying well old fucking Jim Davidson came in and said er er Bernard Manning is by far the best stand up comedian in this country
3 The Dennis case was by no means unusual : many of those employed had encountered some form of what they perceived as racialism in the transition from school to work .
4 CME trading is by open outcry and all trades are cleared and guaranteed by the CME clearing house .
5 Others in the short-list were David Frith 's By His Own Hand , Eric Midwinter 's Brylcreem Summer , Peter Roebuck 's Somerset history from Sammy to Jimmy , and The Narrow Line by Geoff Cook and Neville Scott .
6 He possessed just enough self-control to continue his gentle stroking of her , but both his arms now held her , and almost without her willing it McAllister 's crept around his neck , and unconsciously they sank , from their sitting position , on to the bed , to lie with McAllister 's head on the pillow , Dr Neil 's by her , he careful to lie still , to do nothing which might suggest any kind of bodily union .
7 A The best way to sex L. caeruleus is by the amount of black in the anal fin — males have much more than females and young females have hardly any at all .
8 Although the Council of Ireland proposal was by no means an open door to a united Ireland it would be enough to concentrate loyalist voters in opposition to the new proposals .
9 In the Bundestag approval was by 442 votes to 47 with three abstentions .
10 He said : ‘ The only way he 'll get back in the England setup is by getting promotion . ’
11 Flimsy-looking in its open-country setting , the new Fangdale Beck box is by no means alone in looking miserably incongruous .
12 Dr Stockham was by no means the first to suggest this practice , but in spite of that her ideas met with bitter criticism from several fellow experts in the field .
13 Quite apart from specific commissions from various clients — Anthony Cashman was by no means the only one he would be representing — he had auctions to attend and galleries to visit .
14 This fine portrayal of the Short Stirling is by John Young .
15 Although he has military might on his side and a readiness to use it , as reformist push meets reactionary shove the newly reactionary Mr Gorbachev is by no means certain to win .
16 The Yorkshire Dales is by no means the only beauty spot threatened by the sheer number of tourists and day trippers .
17 All this , however , lay in the future , for between 1848 and 1851 the future of the Prince President was by no means clear .
18 Stephen Bampfylde is by far the younger of the partnership , and contrasts Saxton 's industrial and commercial experience with strong academic qualifications .
19 Louis Gerstner was by no means the first , and IBM Corp has been actively hiring executives from outside the company since the beginning of the year , Associated Press reports : it says that IBM has hired about 30 outside executives in the past two years and is searching for 50 more ; incomers include Robert Howe , 48 , general manager , IBM Consulting Group , former head of worldwide financial services practice at consulting firm Booz-Allen & Hamilton ; Michael Cannon , 40 , vice-president , personal systems storage devices , Adstar , former senior vice-president , worldwide operations at Syquest Technology Inc ; John Osborne , 39 , sales director , Personal Software Products , former vice-president of sales and marketing at Zenith Data Systems Inc ; Jon Cornell , 53 , assistant general manager , original equipment manufacturers sales and marketing , IBM Technology Products , former president , Harris Corp ; John Singleton , 56 , general manager , business development , Integrated Systems Solution Corp , former chief executive , Security Pacific Automation Co ; and Clare Thain , 43 , advertising and promotion director , IBM US , who was formerly the managing partner at Ronald James Direct .
20 On 12 May 1992 Mr. Butler was by order excluded from an area which included these premises and a power of arrest was attached .
21 Lancaster Polytechnic was by the end of the 1960s one of the premier public sector institutions , with one in six of all CNAA degrees ( more than any other college or polytechnic ) .
22 Mr Major is by no means out of the woods , and must fight to defend his leadership at a crisis Cabinet meeting to be called early today .
23 Harold Macmillan was by no means alone at that time in looking forward to a government of Mosley and the younger men who would do something for the country at last .
24 Mr Cubbage was by this time almost demented , he had to know Coleen 's decision , so he wrote an impassioned letter begging her to accept his proposal of marriage .
25 Mr Broadhurst was by now in the habit of picking me up from Varndean Grammar on Wednesday afternoons , accompanying me to Pool Valley , and then on home by bus .
26 I went oftener to Uncle Geordie 's by that time and sometimes I missed Uncle Bill if he came to see Dad and Ma on a Saturday night .
27 ‘ What your map may not show is that the only way down to Thira anchorage is by mule-track down a precipitous cliff .
28 Mr Tapie is by no means a doctrinaire socialist and sits as an independent in the National Assembly .
29 Ukraine has so far escaped the bitter division between presidency and parliament seen in Russia , partly because Mr Kravchuk is by no means the reformer that Boris Yeltsin likes to appear .
30 Le Cerf was rightly taken to task for his selective criticisms of Bononcini , 3 but the tonal oddness of Quando ridi is by no means exceptional in Italian music of the period .
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