Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [prep] many " in BNC.

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1 The eventual movie Black Legion followed the detail of the Detroit story in many respects although the idea of a member of the jury actually being recognized as a member of the Legion as had happened in Detroit was dropped .
2 The evaluation of CHW programmes in many countries suggest that there are a lot of problems in this area which are compounded by the socio-economic conditions in our countries .
3 Densely-worked fields of circular shapes and spiralling lines have characterised the paintings of Pat Adams over many years .
4 At the same time , it must be an indictment on the teaching of history in Ayrshire schools over many generations .
5 George Corner recalls an article in the Baltimore Sun of many years ago , according to which the heart and lungs are perfectly respectable , the liver not quite , the spleen dubious and the kidneys definitely vulgar .
6 Joanna had been living at Ashby Chase for many months and the serfs knew her well .
7 Geometric abstraction has been a mainstay in the art of Valerie Jaudon for many years : she has worked more patterned variations on the relationship between the curved and the straight line than might have been thought possible .
8 Says Joan McIntyre , president of the Project Jonah organisation for many years : ‘ Try for a moment , if you can , to imagine the imagination of a whale , or the awareness of a dolphin .
9 Public NME , however , were far too busy swigging large amounts of Corona at the swish Mexican eaterie Down Mexico Way with many of our dearest pop-making chums , including JESUS JONES , VOICE OF THE BEEHIVE , BILL DRUMMOND and a bespectacled ZODIAC MINDWARP .
10 Nevertheless , her year with Doctor Who left Carole Ann Ford with many fond memories of the people both behind and in front of the cameras .
11 There is still a Tuesday market with many stalls , the market place and Market Street being closed to traffic on this day only .
12 Some of the best are designed and manufactured by John Gorman who has been very interested in the Alexander Technique for many years .
13 Although fox hunting has not taken place in Hyde Park for many years , an impressive Hunt Ball was held in the Polish Hearth Club in Kensington last week for Shropshire 's United Pack .
14 Miss Riley served the Booksellers Association in many ways but is particularly remembered for her painstaking work on the Education Committee .
15 PLYMOUTH MUSEUM & ART GALLERY The last self-portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds -regarded by many as his finest — is among a small group of 17th and 18th-century paintings loaned from the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle .
16 ‘ You 've known Dr Darnell for many years , have n't you ? ’
17 I never bought things from South Africa for many years , because of what was happening in South Africa .
18 But of course there is some choice erm let me give you a final southern er Africa example of this , Botswana geographically is one of those countries cut off from the sea , it 's a very large country but much of it is uninhabitable because it 's so arid it 's therefore a small country by almost any standards , number of people , the economy of er of Botswana is small and it 's frankly dependent upon South Africa in many ways for its transport , for its economic wellbeing , for the movement of people erm and even some educational resources .
19 Examples which are typically given to support this view are the Distillers Co. , Ltd , supplying the drug Thalidomide to the market without adequate tests , and investments in South Africa by many British companies .
20 Desperate from the Crook O'Dea to the Earls Eye with many dry nets .
21 Cyril Ibbotson , who has died aged 78 , served Derbyshire golf for many years .
22 We now have access to the Sierra RAMDAC on many graphics cards , which allows up to 32,000 colours on screen at any time , usually limited to a resolution of 800x600 , and , with the right technology , can actually provide up to 65,536 colours onscreen , albeit at the VGA resolution of 640x80 .
23 I was fortunate to see Fred play on many occasions and really admired his carefree style of play , carefree and yet he was probably one of the best iron players I ever saw .
24 AN exciting career with the United Nations peacekeeping forces took Mr Tom Berrie to many Third World trouble spots .
25 Here is a visual glut of generally superb photographs taken by Mr Mansbridge over many years .
26 As an owner of Rover cars for many years , I am sure that it will be .
27 This was fortunate for the Hearts forward Ian Ferguson who was as surprised as anyone to remain on the field after flooring Gus Caesar with as good a right hook as has been seen this side of Madison Square Gardens for many a long day .
28 For them we offer illustrated commentaries on Matroc applications in many market sectors — from gas heaters to medical implants .
29 Sports Centres , Leisure Centres and Office complexes frequently do not have a piano — as we all know , lessons using alternative accompaniment have been a feature at Q.T. Day for many years now .
30 Thanks to the committee members for all their help over the last year and particularly to Graham Espin for many years of enthusiastic effort with the committee , to Ross Hamilton our treasurer for all his hard work , to Mrs Sheila Peterson for her abilities as vice chairman and particularly her talent with the children at our functions , to Miss Netta Gibling who , as ever , provides continuity and expertise as secretary .
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