Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Jim Bulpitt argues that an abiding interest of Conservative leaders has been the protection of the autonomy of the central government in matters which ministers regard as ‘ high politics ’ , such as defence , foreign affairs , and national economic policy .
2 Lord Justice Slade said that , in the case of ‘ sleepers ’ , it was all too easy to be wise after the event .
3 In the treaties with the States-General of 1654 and 1667 the English government succeeded in having its claims accepted by its rival ; and so sensible a man as Sir William Temple felt that nothing had ever given him greater pleasure than forcing the Dutch to give way once more on this point in the peace negotiations of 1674 .
4 We had one more day trip by boat before we left Praslin , and that was to the island of La Digue to try and see the black paradise flycatcher .
5 Dismissing the judicial review applications , Mr Justice Popplewell said that although by tracing the matter through the documents it was plain to see how the mistake had occurred , it was not an obvious clerical mistake ( as the Crown contended ) that the Court could correct as a matter of construction without recourse to rectification .
6 But in another case , Mr Justice Popplewell held that residents of a local authority home have no right of consultation if the authority decides to close it down .
7 Crewe centre half , Darren Carr got the header as the Hereford defence stood and watched .
8 In a discussion of Asian security on Soviet television a Pravda writer denied that Soviet initiatives for ‘ pan-Asian security ’ were intended by Moscow ‘ to draw the countries of the region into some kind of Asian-Pacific pact , to make allies of them in its conflict with Washington ’ .
9 NCR Corp reports that the city of San Antonio , Texas , tenth largest in the US , would you believe , has gone for NCR multiprocessing servers to facilitate the flow of information through its emergency services department — two NCR 3450 multiprocessors will function as the backbone of the city 's computer dispatch system ; no value given .
10 THE screen persona of Lee Van Cleef suggested that if he met a rattler , the snake would come off worse .
11 Beatrice Webb believed that the retention of a voluntary element in the social services would render them inefficient at exercising the ‘ element of compulsion and disciplinary supervision ’ over the clients which she thought essential for their improvement .
12 Throughout her career she was known for her powerful and abrasive manner : what Beatrice Webb described as her ‘ shrewd and capable but contentious ’ style , her ‘ insolently critical attitude towards all persons and institutions ’ , and her ‘ sharp satirical tongue ’ .
13 Beatrice Webb recorded that she had been told by both a working class male school attendance officer and by the female manager of a block of ‘ model dwellings ’ that working class women were not able to talk to their husbands , having little in their heads but household details .
14 Marc Bloch showed that on two estates in the heart of northern France there were in the ninth century only twenty-five servi ( slaves or serfs ) out of 278 householders ; whereas at the end of the twelfth century all but a handful of the population of these villages were serfs ; none slaves .
15 French Prime Minister Pierre Beregovoy claimed that the moratorium was intended as a gesture towards limiting nuclear proliferation , and he called on other countries to make " balanced reductions " in their nuclear arsenals .
16 MR JUSTICE HIRST said that the criteria in determining whether an overseas company had established a place of business in Great Britain were summarised in Palmers ' Company Law , 24th edn ( 1987 ) page 1658 .
17 There were no teas being served and , anyway , everybody in Little Tuckett knew that either Mrs Clancy or Mrs Feather always won the Cake Competition .
18 This view was reaffirmed late last year when more than 300 scientists gathered in Rhode Island to document and discuss the increasing occurrence of algal blooms , including toxic red tides , throughout the world 's oceans .
19 Research by Michael Boulton and Peter Smith ( 1990 ) from Sheffield University showed that in the average middle school playground nearly half the children either pick on their classmates or are bullied themselves .
20 Frances Crook acknowledged that the high incidence of suicide at Brixton Prison has led to a redistribution of resources in London .
21 The Science Policy Research Unit at Sussex University says that a substantial part of the science-policy machine — the part that operates under the auspices of the Department of Education and Science — relies on peer review and ‘ informed prejudice ’ .
22 Mr Justice Mantell said that Paul Taylor , 27 , who was nearing the end of a three-and-a-half-year term for theft and assault at the time of the riot in April , 1990 , had taken part in some of the worst violence .
23 Champ 's target WORLD heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield forecasts that the challenger for his title early next year will be Britain 's Lennox Lewis , whom Holyfield is tipping to beat Razor Ruddock in their eliminator in October
24 We have however entered a large number of competitions over the years : the FA Cup , FA Vase , County Shield , Debenhams Floodlit Cup and the Sherpa Tensing Van Trophy to name but a few .
25 While serving in Zanzibar Rigby met and assisted several celebrated explorers : Sir Richard Burton ( who was to be accused by Rigby of withholding payment from porters and other members of the expedition to Lake Tanganyika — an accusation which was denied by Burton ) , J. H. Speke , and David Livingstone [ qq.v . ] .
26 In 1872 the Catholic Archbishop Cardinal Manning announced that the majority of clerics now believed that there was nothing incompatible between evolutionary science and their own theological system .
27 And the flamboyant Chelsea chairman announced that his 11-year marriage to wife Pam is over .
28 Mark of Manor Park thought that Mr Hulme was offensive , repulsive and repugnant , but Bill in Wembley was more sympathetic .
29 The Hawthorne researchers argued that this does not necessarily follow .
30 That ingrained courage , the belief that he must continue to fight on — the ability to fool himself into thinking that he could fight on — was all that was left to Tubby , and Colonel Windsor realised that to take it away from him could precipitate the final breakdown .
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