Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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31 Competition could be fierce , as a young Dundee officer discovered when even the influence of the powerful David Scott failed to secure him a place for the voyage of 1801 because
32 Small boys swaying on the branches of trees overlooking Bridgetown , Kingston and Port-of-Spain sought to imitate him .
33 ‘ Jesus Christ , Mick , what does Mills Roberts want to see me about ? ’
34 ‘ Why would Captain MacLane want to kill you , Richie ? ’ he asked , straightforward eyes wide open .
35 Mrs Hawkins agreed to put it into practice after an appeal to the public .
36 Mrs Singh agreed to tell me when she heard from the doctor .
37 Bready failed to make it an all North West final when they lost by four wickets to North Down , beaten Touche Ross Cup finalists earlier this month .
38 The one who got shot in the chest when Special Branch and MIs tried to pick him up in Bayswater .
39 They also insisted that they would blow up the mines if Ceauşescu tried to force them back to work .
40 Mr Gibson said : ‘ My wife Pat phoned to tell me what happened and I just packed my bag and got the first flight . ’
41 But the conservatives , fearing a Mitterrand manoeuvre to split them , have denounced the proposed reforms as an attempt to distract voters .
42 Some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him , ‘ You must get out of here and go somewhere else , because Herod wants to kill you ’ ( Luke 13:31 ) .
43 David tried to see her to persuade her to change her mind , but she refused any further contact with him .
44 As we ate , Dr Jaffery promised to give me a ring the following morning to confirm that the festival was going to be celebrated .
45 Gazza tried to play it down , saying : ‘ This was n't Gazza against Maradona , it was only a friendly between Lazio against Sevilla . ’
46 The same year the ATA moved to keep US observers from being allowed to report violations .
47 Corbett devoured it hungrily while the gaoler watched impassively but , when Corbett tried to ask him a question , slapped him in the mouth , grabbed the bowl and waddled out of the cell .
48 While the bawds are deciding to have her forcibly raped she says little , but when Boult wants to lead her away she again rises to verse , her secret weapon , and appeals to his better sentiments .
49 The Sheikha rose to greet us .
50 So he phones the Newleys to try to arrange it . ’
51 Josh tried to calm him down .
52 ‘ Frederick Flowers wants to see me .
53 ‘ And what you do n't understand , have never understood , is that Sylvie tried to kill me . ’
54 King Edward bent to pick it up amid suggestive laughter , declaring ‘ shame on him who thinks evil of it ’ , and prophesying that he would make it the most sought-after badge of honour in Britain .
55 After the Nazi occupation of France in 1940 he escaped to the United States where Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard tried to recruit him to their team at Columbia but were prevented because Washington at that time did not recognise the Free French forces .
56 Yeah she said Aunt Jean tried to get me to work , but no !
57 the er Sue wants to write it down what you 've said are you moving that we
58 THE government of the United States wants to show it is on the side of the angels , but finds too few of them in Central America .
59 Bernice rose to face him .
60 Friend tried to get her to open up , but she would not .
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