Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [vb pp] their " in BNC.

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1 But they know they are struggling for both Wimbledon stars and now Ferguson has become their top target .
2 People root for pianists as though they were football teams , hoping that one will really make the most of the commissioned piece , trying to nobble the judges at parties to announce that someone 's interpretation of Brahms has changed their hearts and souls .
3 Although quite a few had subsequently been dismissed , both Braithwaite and Colclough having had their spies in the Chartist ranks , men who had sung those Chartist hymns about freedom and justice the loudest as they had been memorizing names and faces to sell afterwards to Uriah and Ben .
4 Neil had taken their advice , and there had been the exchange of missives which , I gathered , served in Scotland as a binding contract .
5 Pakistan had secured their position at 123 for the loss of Ramiz , who was bowled by a giant breakdown down the slope from DeFreitas .
6 Lamb alone tore that stopper from his mouth so the fans could learn , authoritatively and from the middle , exactly how Pakistan had perfected their series-winning delivery .
7 The Stuarts had had their chance and failed to seize it .
8 Both States had indicated their willingness to allow suits to be heard , so the reciprocity requirements should be interpreted to make this possible .
9 Some in the United States had changed their names after they had fled Teheran and had successfully disappeared .
10 By the close , Surrey had stretched their advantage by another 39 with all second winnings wickets intact .
11 By allowing their fleets and armies to be run down under Bel-Korhadris and Aethis , the Elves of Ulthuan had allowed their dark kindred to catch up and almost overhaul them in military might .
12 To wait for their enemy , the ordinary people of Famagusta had made their way to the heart of the city , where the Cathedral soared like a vast triangled reliquary , flanked by princely buildings and faced , across the piazza , by the handsome , doorless shell of the Palace .
13 In 1988 , after the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza had started their uprising , he made another fateful decision , renouncing Jordan 's claim to the West Bank and handing over responsibility to the Palestine Liberation Organisation .
14 Lotus and WordPerfect have built their empires on DOS products — one with the top selling spreadsheet , 1-2-3 , the other with one of the best DOS word processors , WordPerfect 5.1 .
15 Uniquely , Athletico have had their number slip beneath the lining of the draw hat on no less than four occasions .
16 After nearly 20 years in the lower echelons of the second division and without a major title to their name , the team with the grand sounding name of Real Club Deportivo de la Coruna have elbowed their way past the giant clubs which year after year dominate the Spanish League , and have made a bold bid for the title .
17 Messrs Fiddle and Perks have indicated their willingness to continue in office as auditors and a resolution to re-appoint them will be proposed at the forthcoming annual general meeting .
18 The other alleged threat to democracy has been a threat to local democracy , as LEAs have lost their power to control the secular curriculum in their schools .
19 The yardsticks of progress are not easy to quantify , but over 70 per cent of LEAs reported a proportionate increase in expenditure from 1983 to 1986 on special educational needs ; and over three-quarters of LEAs have increased their use of mainstream placements for children with special needs , both in the primary and secondary sectors .
20 Undoubtedly LEAs have reassessed their stance on accountability issues as a result of the Auld Report , but at school level the impact of the national debate seems to have been erratic .
21 He has been telling them that both the Soviet Union and the United States have reiterated their support for the league 's plan and that political reform is the only way for the Lebanese to solve their crisis .
22 Schofield , who had threatened legal action to force Leeds to allow him to play for Manly in the close season , revealed : ‘ Manly have withdrawn their offer in view of the problems . ’
23 If Graham is searching for reasons why Arsenal have lost their way , surely it has something to do with his reluctance to use his most gifted players .
24 Taiwan have set their sights on World Cup 1995 .
25 Several organisations in New Mexico have pooled their technical resources to undertake a three-year study , formally known as the Southwest Thermal Mass Study , to measure the performance of both plain and stabilised adobe walls .
26 Most of the successful NICs have increased their share of manufactured goods imports into the OECD countries .
27 In the meantime , a brave team led by marketing director Stephen Roberts have put their homes on the line to do this lawnmower deal .
28 But it 's just strange that Steven 's called their half brother and they 're called brothers .
29 ALAN SHEARER believes both he and Ian Wright have proved their partnership can lead England to the World Cup finals .
30 And Ruddock revealed that Shearer has fuelled their private war of nerves with ‘ threatening ’ phone calls .
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