Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adv] used " in BNC.

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1 Since then , the population has more than doubled to 300,000 ( see BBC WILDLIFE , February 1989 ) , but the RDC has never used its compulsory control powers .
2 Nyerere has always used Swahili at his public meetings ; he once declared that he had used interpreters on only two occasions .
3 DEC has never used a Western Research Labs-designed computer architecture , although the unit was originally set up to find ways of building the fastest possible computers .
4 GRAHAM TAYLOR has now used 54 players in his two-year reign — and the England manager is still no nearer to formulating a team .
5 His ballet music Sanctus and Carnival and self-explanatory Four Sketches For String Quartet have been performed , he supervised the film soundtrack for Jonathan Demme 's Something Wild , and a Canadian documentary on the Falklands has already used Cale 's score .
6 The six-person jury unanimously found that Lozano had improperly used his gun .
7 The six-person jury unanimously found that Lozano had improperly used his gun .
8 This is a point which it would be useless to push too far ; the pose of the second figure from the left in the Demoiselles , for instance , was one which Picasso had already used frequently in his earlier work .
9 Skil has also used an antistall mechanism , which is claimed to prevent motor burn-out when the machine attempts to ‘ bite off more than it can chew ’ .
10 Without Coleman 's knowledge , and without consulting the DIA ( on this basis , they had no reason to do so ) , either Hurley or Dany Habib had subsequently used those papers — in particular , the copy they had taken of Coleman 's Thomas Leavy birth certificate — to obtain a passport for one of their own people in Egypt , thus cocking the trigger for a possible violation alert when Coleman also applied for a passport in that name two years later .
11 ( Luchino Visconti had already used Farley Granger , Burt Lancaster , Michael Craig and Dirk Bogarde .
12 Scotland have hardly used any back-row moves in their games to date , maybe because they do not want to put extra pressure on Weir in his first season at No 8 , but also because they do not have the same penetration from the base of the scrum as they have done in previous seasons .
13 It is much more likely that Matthew has purposely used a verse that would point towards Jesus as the new Moses who would , once again , lead his people from slavery to freedom .
14 In secret he extended the raids into Cambodia in an attempt to interrupt the flow of men and supplies from North Vietnam ( the Vietcong had long used the Ho Chi Minh trail through Cambodia for this purpose ) .
15 Whitbread and Bass have both used that expression .
16 Although the official world championship did not start until 1950 , Hamilton has wisely used a broader brush with excellent effect to put the race in an accurate historical perspective .
17 Local authorities in the UK have also used the market , exchanging for sterling the Eurocurrency borrowed .
18 Marsh has also used the Black and Scholes option valuation model to assess the underwriting fees charged in the UK stock market during the period 1962 to 1975 .
19 Reagan had already used the phrase ( he was ever good at self-deprecation ) as the title of his campaign biography .
20 Retailers in markets as diverse as Chile and Australia have now used the programme to plan re-merchandising projects to great effect .
21 The takeover game was played in part with junk bonds , the very instruments Comdisco had earlier used to raise considerable capital of its own .
22 Jones had already used a variety of materials , one of which was palladium , and was preparing to obtain the final proof with his detector that he had just spent two years building .
23 Holywood have already used the Valley synthetic pitch twice during their run to the semi-finals , and may consider going there again , or even to the new pitch at Jordanstown .
24 He thought Jibril had probably used them to confuse the chase .
25 Hodgson had already used this trick for a radio play , Sword from the Stars , to give a robot named Jones a haughty but very mechanical voice .
26 It was known as ‘ shotokan ’ , or Shoto 's club ( ‘ kan' means ‘ club ’ ) , because Funakoshi had previously used the name Shoto as a pen name when he wrote poetry .
27 Wanted in Bolivia on murder charges brought as a result of the coup in July 1980 , Arce had allegedly used his position to set up a cocaine racket .
28 They were more common than the spirals of the indigo snails that Sycorax had once used now and then , and a grave hazard the islanders understood always to avoid .
29 Mueller had simply used his privileged position to advise the General Directors that he was operating on the instructions of the President .
30 In our passage , almost every verse reads ‘ I ’ or ‘ Me ’ ; in the earlier chapters of the book , Paul has hardly used these words .
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