Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adv] her " in BNC.

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1 Madonna underlined the material 's dark and dangerous appeal in her book , Sex , and designer John McKitterick 's back-zipped jeans helped wannabe sex kitten Kylie Minogue kick away her girl-next-door image .
2 Miss Kitt makes even her gauche opening line — ‘ The amount of stars are infinitesimal … ’ — sound sensible and exotically sexy ; from there on she slinks effortlessly through the role , prowling like a panther caged in a pet shop .
3 That same year , for example , Britain 's Sue Barker enjoyed perhaps her finest hour when she defeated the pretty Czechoslovakian , Renata Tomonova in three sets .
4 Maggie brushed away her tears as she listened .
5 Maggie brushed aside her stepdaughter 's problem .
6 This unexpected obscenity drew gasps of astonishment from the teenagers , and Loretta pressed home her advantage by threatening dire penalties in colloquial Italian if a single one of them misbehaved during the remainder of the journey .
7 Ruth blinked open her eyes and Fernando was gazing down at her , a new Fernando , one she did n't know any more .
8 Ruth blinked open her eyes and stared at him .
9 Ruth blinked open her eyes , not sure where she was .
10 Rachaela saw again her mother 's congested face .
11 Ruth squeezed tight her eyes and swallowed hard as the aircraft soared up into the sky .
12 Penry caught both her hands in his .
13 Obviously distressed , Mrs Mentle cut short her speech and forgot to present the ‘ Player-of-the-Year ’ award .
14 Lying wakeful in her bedchamber , with the Grail Castle silent all about her now , Grainne remembered vividly her emotions all those years ago .
15 A lecturer in English literature at the University of Lancaster , Tess Cosslett makes plain her motives in writing this book .
16 Like someone struggling out of a drugged sleep , Sarella flickered open her eyelids , blinking in confusion as if unsure as to where she was .
17 Omi pushed away her coffee cup .
18 Rune brushed aside her lack of enthusiasm with such purpose that she had no option but to fall into step beside him .
19 She 'd been a fool , a stupid crazy fool , too blinded by love to see that she was being used , too mesmerised by longing to realise Adam wanted only her body .
20 Annabel pushed aside her untouched plate .
21 Anne Henderson gathers together her belongings .
22 Celia pulled away her head .
23 Danny waved away her protest .
24 For a working mother the hours can be long , but a trusted nanny takes care of her two toddlers , and Parkin finds both her husband and the firm very supportive : ‘ I 'm still here after two children . ’
25 Only the grinding of her teeth alerted her prey , though other reports said Black Annis gave away her whereabouts with a trail of bones .
26 As Ashi dressed swiftly her eyes were drawn back to the carriage clock .
27 Caroline flung open her bedroom door , then slammed it shut after her .
28 His yearning letters to her from Wales and Oxford corroborate amply her direct narrative of their passionate , loving sexuality .
29 She had silenced him , but it was a baffled , frustrated silence rather than an angry one , and Robbie pressed home her advantage .
30 Paul agonizes. 8 p.m. : Kate throws away her packet of Pills .
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