Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 At the junction of the Welford branch , a boat from Welford met them with ample supplies of refreshments to fortify them against the passage of Bosworth tunnel .
2 Trent met it with a slight movement of the tiller bar , and the big catamaran lifted smoothly .
3 Peregrine interrupted her with a languid chortle and was properly admonished .
4 Every day the Canyon humbles us with some new wonder : a 2,000ft sheer wall of red limestone , a golden eagle soaring down to the river to fish , a natural rock amphitheatre which would comfortably accommodate a full orchestra and 20,000 people .
5 Thus the term irony is used in something approaching its usual acceptance when Brooks associates it with Yeats 's appeal to the Greek sages in ‘ Sailing to That Yeats should speak of the ‘ artifice of eternity ’ evidently undermines in a sense the appearance of passion and sincerity with which he invokes the Greek sages , and thus can be said to bring about a kind of ironic reconciliation between his aspiration of a life free from Nature , and his rational awareness of his human limitations ( Brooks 1949 : 173 ) .
6 I must have said that several times already because Ma fixed me with a glittering stare and exclaimed , ‘ If you say that word once more , Andrew , just once more , I 'll send you to the Science Museum again … with Annabel . ’
7 Ezra provided me with a standard ; and gingered me into an attempt to train towards it .
8 She was nineteen , the age Maria had been when she had first felt the power of Luke 's attraction , and Maria regarded her with ironic envy , wishing she could have reacted as insouciantly , her awe and admiration as impersonal as Penny 's , Luke confined to some remote pedestal along with other out-of-reach heroes , contact undreamed-of .
9 When Stoker approached him with a play intended for his master , Irving , taking no thought of the devotion shown by his factotum , reacted along a scale from dismissiveness to contempt .
10 Gary helped him with his chemistry and deserves much of the credit for the good grades William got in tests when he got back ( the teachers were amazed ! ) .
11 Roger approached her with another tall , fair man .
12 Postine subdued it with a single blow to its long wrinkled neck .
13 Santerre was about to protest but Mandeville dismissed him with a curt move of his gloved hand .
14 Straightening up , Roman regarded her with an unreadable expression .
15 All the same , if it happened that David made her with child , she would bear the child proudly , and be glad that she had brought him a degree of happiness .
16 Sandy was doing a trash all-nighter at the Scala , and Dionne met them with a cocktail shaker .
17 In breaks in our work Edward entertained me with curious stories of the old alchemists .
18 Mountbatten 's task was not simplified when General MacArthur saddled him with the additional responsibility of taking over Indonesia and Indo-China , previously within the American sphere .
19 Scalding tears brimmed over , and James Halden checked them with the cushion of his thumb .
20 Comments included ‘ Scott helped me with the photocopying ’ , ‘ Can we stay in the groups because I really like working with Bobby ? ’ and ‘ Why could n't we stay all day ? ’
21 Woolley stopped it with his fork .
22 ‘ The itinerary , ’ Mary Ann pronounced it with care .
23 This situation , in which other countries were relying on the United States to provide them with the dollars needed to boost their reserves , seemed to leave the USA in a highly privileged position , for the only way that other countries could accumulate reserves was if the USA provided them , by spending abroad more than it received .
24 Ranulf came in with a series of plaintive questions but Corbett dismissed him with a look .
25 She enjoyed attending to the whitewashed chapel where compulsory prayers were conducted three times a day and did not feel ill-used when Mrs Prynn chastised her with a whip for letting slip a blasphemy or lying abed longer than she ought .
26 Interviewed by , of all newspapers , The Daily Worker ( now The Morning Star ) , Raymond Cusick provided them with a colour illustration interpreting his idea of what lay inside .
27 On April 17 , security officials interrupted the Good Friday service of Mgr Roche to serve him with an expulsion order .
29 ‘ The king my father learned of my regard for yourself from Sir Thomas Vaughan who saw it as his duty to inform him , ’ Edward told her with notable reluctance .
30 If Alice or Bert filled it with hot water and it leaked causing injury , would either of them have an action ?
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