Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pers pn] on " in BNC.

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1 Father Devlin clapped him on the shoulder with a large heavy hand .
2 Devlin clapped him on the shoulder .
3 Bernie Scholtz passed her on the iron stairs as she was hurrying out .
4 Stewart joins us on the line now good morning Mr .
5 Trent found them on the floor and watched the old man thread the sprung arms over his ears .
6 He explains : ‘ This is because Alex Ferguson helped me on my way in football when I was 14 years old , and taught me most of the things I took with me from Aberdeen . ’
7 GEORGE HERRINGSHAW/ASP Bryan Gunn : ‘ Alex Ferguson helped me on my way in football when I was 14 years old , and taught me most of the things I took with me from Aberdeen ’
8 She took a playful swipe at his face , but Harvey caught it on the flat of his hand , then she struck at him with the palm of the other hand and they did a pat-a-cake routine .
9 David Beaton clapped him on the shoulder .
10 Maisie pecked him on the cheek .
11 Linda asked her on a sudden impulse .
12 She did n't care about anything ; she just wanted Meredith to see her on the back of the Prince 's white charger .
13 David clapped him on the shoulder and simply said :
14 I even got Ken to try it on us .
15 First of all Gyggle tried me on the same sort of rudimentary exercises that I remembered performing as a child .
16 To begin with Gyggle tried me on sensory deprivation .
17 Markby joined her on the further side and they both stopped to watch as their bovine companions lumbered up and stood in a row staring at them expectantly , tossing muddy heads .
18 Returning to England she was able to put her principles of movement teaching into practice with Molly accompanying her on the piano .
19 The use of special juries of merchants by Lord Mansfield to guide him on the law is well known — not that he always followed their suggestions .
20 ‘ And with that David kissed me on the cheek .
21 David kissed her on the mouth .
22 Laura passed Rex the gun and Rex bopped him on the head with it .
23 Edward took her on a tour of Bath — perhaps he was also hoping to be seen by someone who knew him ! — and then headed out into the country .
24 Scott took him on as scientific correspondent .
25 The sun was going down when we sailed into the port , and the doctor and Mr Trelawney took me on shore .
26 Your very welcome Letters of the 20th of Aug. and 14th of Septr. reached us on the 23rd and 25th of Jan : they were a joyful relief to us all and were the most acceptable to me since for the first time you acknowledge I have been tried and not found wanting : believe me it will always be my highest gratification to merit the good opinions of every one but of none more than yourself : and the more confidence you repose in me the more strenuous will be my efforts to prove myself worthy of it .
27 We were broke , so I accepted , and Dana took me on his bike to and fro from Bath to Corsham throughout the next six weeks .
28 The squire who carried the news to the king at Berkhamsted reached him on the evening of June 24th .
29 Dr Neil saw her on the bed , face swollen and unrecognisable , all her bright lustre gone .
30 In The Groove , who runs at Phoenix Park on Saturday , has not achieved nearly as much as Dead Certain , but Elsworth rates them on a par .
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