Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Malaysia , Thailand , Indonesia and Bolivia account for 70 per cent of world output .
2 Teesside Crown Court heard how blonde Julie Spence agreed to four sex sessions with her husband when they split after ten years of marriage .
3 But Bangor recovered from 42–4 to triumph without losing another wicket .
4 Though Acca lived until 740 , he was never restored to Hexham and in 734 Ecgberht , bishop of York , consecrated Frithuberht to the still vacant see .
5 The Poles of the Congress Kingdom were not broken , for even Paskevich admitted in 1850 that the calm he had established merely reflected their " awareness of their powerlessness and their conviction of the incontestable might of your Imperial Highness " .
6 Couple of good saves today you must be pleased with ; Wittingham got in one very good header did n't he .
7 Ellis admitted to 22 charges under the Copyright , Designs and Patents Act at Liverpool Magistrates Court yesterday .
8 The Australian Government met the British request by sending the Royal Australian Air Force 's Dakota transports of 38 Squadron to Malaya , deploying in May 1950 .
9 Taylor led off eight Hurricanes in V7671 , climbing to 28,000 feet , when many Ju87s were seen below at about 10,000 feet just as the A.A. barrage opened up against them .
10 In the ruddily-lit belly of the drop-ship , Yeremi clung to one of the serpentine wall grips as the vessel vibrated .
11 Despite the government 's efforts , the People 's Will succeeded in 1881 in assassinating the Tsar himself .
12 The sell-off paves the way for 75-year-old Rowland to retire within three years .
13 This uninspiring performance is despite the fact that West Germany supplies about one-third of gas demand from indigenous reserves .
14 The Hunter first saw RAF service with 43 Sqn based at RAF Leuchars and the video contains a large amount of colour film from the 1950s showing Hunters serving with the RAF along with footage of those in service with the Belgian Air Force .
15 Philips of The Netherlands announced in 1987 ( nearly a century after its birth ) that it was adopting a ‘ global ’ company orientation .
17 Largely through his patient , persistent advocacy , the government of ( Sir ) Winston Churchill appointed in 1944 the Scarbrough commission , which , on the basis of evidence he submitted and marshalled , recommended a great expansion of the provision in British universities for the study of the languages , history , and cultures of Asia and Africa , and development of the school as the main centre .
18 Tours of Czechoslovakia planned for 1992 .
19 Mr Hamlyn operated for four hours on the man who remained in intensive care .
20 Dennis Taylor recovered from 1-4 to beat Mike Hallett 9-5 and will play John Parrott .
21 From these diaries we know that Minton made between two and four visits to ‘ Marshalls ’ every year up until 1954 , staying usually a couple of nights and returning to London with sheaves of drawings .
22 The MP-2 line uses custom 32-bit RISCs rated at 133 MIPS and are configured with as many as 16,000 of the things .
23 In assessing the suitability of the proposed operating centre , the LA looks at two connected aspects .
24 Tayloes , or Belvedere Mill , in Chalford stands on one of the oldest confirmed mill sites in the Chalford Valley and is one of the most picturesque .
25 Ewes weighed between 70 and 90kg and produced fleeces weighing up to 6.5kg .
26 CHART star Dr Alban trained for five years as a dentist — but gave up after a horrific teeth-pulling session .
27 At one time the abbot 's vineyards stretched all the way to the River Severn , from beneath the castle walls where 98 corpses hung after the siege of Shrewsbury described in One Corpse Too Many .
28 It was only sometimes that I 'd wake and find Bernard snoring on one side of me and Uncle Bill giving an occasional snort on the other .
29 I drank mint tea in the carpet shops ( and found Stefan Grappelli , Bryan Ferry and Ben Kingsley listed in one shop 's order book ) .
30 Oliver Lange looks at four different types of exhibitions and points out their advantages and disadvantages
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