Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [verb] so " in BNC.

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1 Ben got busted so Pru took the kids to Glasgow to live with her Mum .
2 How the Mini Master will be regarded by Britain 's Civil Aviation Authority remains to be seen , but the CAA has indicated so far that it will expect pilots flying the aircraft to be holders of a multi engine rating , which currently costs around £1,200 to obtain on a conventional twin aircraft .
3 Anders has achieved so many of his goals this year that I was on Jamie 's side .
4 CA-Unicenter for HP-UX has performed so well at four major beta sites says Islandia , New York-based Computer Associates International Inc , that the company is bringing the systems management product for mission-critical applications forward and it will now be generally available in the first quarter of 1993 .
5 The Lowenstrasse area with the neighbouring Bahnhofpassage has become so popular with shoppers that now they call it " Shopville " .
6 Christopher Columbus did it with a smaller crew than Taylor has tried so far .
7 ‘ I think Germany has become so rich that it has completely lost its fighting spirit , ’ said Turkey 's President Turgut Ozal on German television .
8 The plan to construct a political union in Europe on the model of the German Federal Republic betrays just this kind of defective level of political maturity from which Germany has suffered so badly in the past .
9 Though this must be one of the main reasons why Germany has received so few Nobel prizes since the war , nothing more can be done about it .
10 My brother Dennis has done so much for me , too .
11 One of the reasons why Montgomerie has done so well as a professional is that he has stayed basically with the swing which brought him Walker Cup honours in his student days in Texas .
12 Conran has gone so far as ending catwalk exhibitions totally in favour of presentation by video .
13 Mr Farrer seemed to know so many people , and the reason he knew them was because they were all gay .
14 By the end of August , Brusilov had advanced so far as to make replenishment of men and matériel difficult , often impossible .
15 All his energy was concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other , to get out to the Lock before Marie provoked Simon into uncoiling his other self , the one hidden behind the attentive , polite , charming Simon in whom Marie had invested so much of her trust and hope for the future .
16 But by the end of last year Mr Yanagitani had lost so much money that he was unable to honour the investment guarantees he had given to his clients .
17 Rachel was invited to join them and she was happy to do so , but for the rest of the day she could n't forget that moment when David had moved so close to her ; she could n't forget the look in his eyes , a look that had implied that the conclusions drawn by others about his intentions towards her could be well founded .
18 Eleanor had known so many flowers as a child , each by its botanical and by its common name .
19 Doublethink had entered so completely into Ceauşescu 's soul by the 1980s that he could genuinely bask in what he took to be sincere affection at the same time as he knew how stage-managed the whole event was .
20 Unlike the sycophantic official court chronicles — the Shah Jehan Nama that Dr Jaffery had spent so long transcribing — the accounts of the two European travellers were packed with reams of malicious bazaar gossip .
21 Knowing full well that it was n't on her account that Travis had worked so hard , Leith shrugged .
22 Aggie pointed to the seat at the front of the cart , and immediately Millie had done so , she gripped the iron frame of the seat , heaved herself on to the first step , then , almost with a lunge , on to the seat ; but this time she did n't say , as she usually did , ‘ I 'm past this ; I 'll sit on the back in future and you 'll take him , ’ but she jerked the reins and put the pony into a trot .
23 His own queen , whom Surere had revered so deeply , when she requested that she be buried not in the new City of the Horizon , but near her old home , in the Valley of the Dead across the river from the Southern Capital , had been granted her wish , though it had hurt Akhenaten deeply .
24 This involved the creation of an Intendant-General of Finance and a number of Secretaries of State : the cumbersome system of councils on which the Spanish Habsburgs had relied so heavily in the previous century began to fall into disuse , the Council of Castile alone remaining important .
25 They also indicated that they would surrender their arms to ECOMOG as soon as the NPFL had done so .
26 And there at Stamford , the beautiful town that Celia Fiennes and Defoe had admired so much remained almost exactly as they had seen it : but fossilised , moribund .
27 Battle ‘ You ca n't be disappointed by a run like that , ’ said the jockey after User Friendly 's head-to-head battle with Subotica had gone so narrowly the wrong way for her army of fans .
28 The Chelsea Groupies have become so well-known in the King 's Road area that a new scheme , Shopwatch , has been introduced to combat them .
29 Edward Hamer , of Llanidloes , asked how New Zealand company Fortex , which is currently considering two shortlisted sites one near the Powys village , and another in Lockerbie , Scotland expected to create so many jobs when his company could do it with half the number .
30 Ireland has lost so much . ’
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