Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adv] give " in BNC.

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1 Certainly Ferguson has not given up the ghost of trying to land the Championship .
2 McKeown has not given up on the north 's hope for next year 's Classic , who was found to have a temperature after finishing last in the Somerville Tattersall Stakes .
3 But Mr Kelly has not given up hope .
4 Richard has also given me many opportunities and without him and Peter my life as a freelance jockey would be made just that little bit more difficult . ’
5 The LDDC has not given local authorities long enough to respond to planning applications ; some community groups have not been consulted ; until 1986 , all meetings were held in secret ; and the LDDC has paid only lip-service to local plans produced by the boroughs concerned .
6 Not , not a lot at the moment , I do n't think , erm , the end of July erm there was eight hundred and something , but there 's been quite a few bills that have come out of it although that does n't include the two receipts that Maisie has just given me which is about a hundred and eighty , so that 's nearly another two hundred in , but we 're alright , we 're .
7 If you want to — ’ Sue turned back to give Sylvia some unnecessary help with her food .
8 Louisa had been skidding unsteadily about the ice for the best part of an hour when a carriage came round the rear drive of the Hall and , after a moment 's debate , Edwin Frere sprang down to give a helping hand to his well-muffled wife .
9 Gorbachev went on to give an emphatic answer in his keynote address to calls heard from both ends of the political spectrum for his resignation not just from the party leadership , but also from the presidency .
10 Woolley went off to give final orders to the chief mechanics , and to Woodruffe , who was driving Rogers 's limousine over .
11 But Creed did n't give Jed time to think .
12 However , a Kuwaiti official told reporters that the talks had collapsed " because Kuwait did not give in to Iraqi demands to write off debts and to relinquish some of its territory " .
13 Anyway , Jeff had now given me something new — something really important to me .
14 Adams had already given notice of intent overnight with his occasional left-arm spin , when Hansie Cronje ( imprudently cutting at his fourth ball ) offered a first Test wicket , and , suitably encouraged , the Jamaican picked up three more in an impressive 21-over spell of slight and turn which restricted the visitors ' lead to 83 .
15 It took a long time , so long that Sylvie had almost given up , had gone back to the clinic several times .
16 Travis had deliberately given the impression their relationship was a warm one , but she could n't take her anger out on his brother .
17 This unconscious repressed material is in addition to the general unconscious ‘ archaic heritage ’ Le Bon speaks of , and it can vary in different times and places , although Freud does not give explicit examples of this point , being content with the formal delineation of concepts .
18 Jean does n't give a damn about that sort of thing , ’ he growled , ‘ and nor do I. ’
19 If Roberts had not given himself up , the offence would have remained undetected .
20 Richard had never given me one .
21 Here Richard had recently given offence by once again insisting that the walls of St Martial 's should be pulled down .
22 Iron Josh had certainly given them no trouble when they had driven into his yard at the back of Old George 's Street and ordered him to climb into the cart .
23 But the publicly alleged reasons were as follows … ’ and Thucydides goes on to give them : quarrels between Athens and Corinth over Corcyra and Potidaia .
24 IBM has not given any information about the performance or processing overheads that this may entail .
25 Kim has now given up her job as audio producer to dedicate her life to Bronson .
26 It looked as if we had won this initial bout but men like Swire Sugden do n't give up that easily .
27 Christopher did not give details of the US aid programme , but he offered some general ideas .
28 So Vecchi hi-tails it out to the sanatorium , hangs around until the great man and Rico leave then gives it a few more minutes before walking in and giving Connie another grilling .
29 The President of Cuba had apparently given permission for the Jews to be landed on the Isle of Pines , a former penal colony .
30 On several occasions , Darwin had recourse to ask Prince to supply him with information that Gould had not given him .
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