Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Jim surfaced in time to warn Patrick to swing north towards Nürnberg — Sieg Heil !
2 SMART work by Thatcher Tubes , racing against the clock , helped a special toothpaste promotion hit stores in the United States bang on time .
3 Mr Michell came in time . ’
4 Mellanby arrived in time to be heard , and succeeded in changing the decision so that Florey was appointed .
5 Latimer pleaded for time to prepare a defence to the charges against him , but William of Wykeham insisted that he should answer them immediately .
6 Murray arrives in time to devise a programme for the forthcoming Festival and to supervise an ambitious campaign of refurbishment which includes opening windows at the front and on top of the building and cleaning its stone façade .
7 Truman played for time by appointing a brains trust of three to advise him .
8 Tambo arrived in time for the first consultative conference of the movement for 31 years , an event which provided an opportunity for the ANC to clarify its policy of negotiation with the government .
9 Benny stumbled from time to time , and became tongue-tied when she looked at the handsome boy sitting beside them .
10 Joel arrived in time to pitch my tent .
11 Nutty arrived on time , thudding out of the dusk and pulling to an abrupt halt .
12 But as time went on and the numbers grew , more organized arrangements had to be made ; and the abbot of Cluny had from time to time to undertake mighty journeys .
13 The answer he got was in the line that Frank looked uninspired in training ( well as ‘ inspired ’ as Deano looks from time to time in the games i guess Deano most look — very — inspired in training ) .
14 ‘ It 's here somewhere , ’ Rose played for time and lost .
15 Sarella turned in time to catch Marc 's worried glance following the reckless path of the jeep , but then he turned , and she could almost believe she 'd imagined that fleeting expression when he gave her a cynical smile and said , ‘ If it 's proverbs he wants I could have swopped him a more appropriate one . ’
16 We in South Cambridgeshire feel from time to time sitting on the doorstep of a university city that we are often ignored and I 'm sure that that is a very fair criticism as far as our District Council is concerned .
17 The dual image of Christ in eternal glory and Christ crucified in time are an icon of Christian understanding of the human situation .
18 Hearing a loud noise through his drunken haze , Joe turned in time to see the car coming at him .
19 Such a one is bidden to " preye " " seke " " aske " and " knokke at the dore " in the certainty that " he schal come … and coumforte thy desolate soule " as the Holy Ghost came to the apostles : The book ends with a meditation on the sacrament as the focus for the experience of the transforming energy of God released in time at the Incarnation .
20 That is why soldiers called Metaxas and Papadopoulos have from time to time felt obliged to step forward and try a spot of military dictatorship .
21 Kersey arrived on time and found Marks already seated at a table by the window with a pint in front of him .
22 The wealth of scholarship in which the book luxuriates sometimes deflects from the far simpler scientific story ; that seismicity in the different regions of Iran varies through time , and that it is possible , from a complete analysis of the history , to find patterns in this shifting activity .
23 UI expects a fully-converged ABI to result over time , which will eventually include some form of requirement for a common development environment .
24 Picking her way carefully as he 'd instructed , Robbie paused from time to time to cast a puzzled look back at Fen .
25 Torrance arrived in time yesterday for nine holes practice behind the pro-am field and like the rest of the contenders for the £41,660 first prize was delighted by the condition of this Donald Steel-designed course amid the pines .
26 Resting on three stones above the flames was a large copper pan full of milk , which Sigarup stirred from time to time as it was boiling .
27 Gabrielle and Emma arrived in time to see Crawford open in Boston , alongside Lynn Redgrave and Geraldine Page .
28 As presentation day grew closer with Mark racing against time to complete the plan and finalise the slide illustrations , so Klepner read and re-read it until he had almost learnt it off by heart .
29 Louisa arrived in time to hear this and to see , a moment later , the tears start to Frere 's eyes , then she was down beside the unconscious woman , holding her head .
30 The confused evidence suggests they are acting on their own initiative , not on directives from East Berlin to play for time .
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