Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] is that " in BNC.

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1 As the Minister and I agree that the fatal weakness of the MacSharry proposals is that they will increase the cost of the common agricultural policy , thus breaching the budgetary limit , will the Minister give the House a guarantee today that the Government will use their right of veto on any proposals to breach the budgetary limit ?
2 The other aspect of the MacSharry proposals is that the compensation terms are incredibly generous .
3 One of the problems with the MacSharry proposals is that , instead of bringing agriculture closer to the market , they will perpetuate existing excessive levels of support for the majority of farmers .
4 One of the most remarkable things about the Peniel story is that the larger narrative proceeds almost entirely as if it was not there .
5 ‘ The only difference between Lee and Roy Keane and David Hirst is that they are doing it in the Premier League .
6 In my view the effect of the Effer v. Kantner decision is that a court other than a court of the defendant 's country of domicile can not accept the jurisdiction on the mere assertion or pleading of the plaintiff .
7 Once jurisdiction can properly be established on this basis then the effect of article 5(1) in the light of the Effer v. Kantner decision is that the court has jurisdiction finally to determine the issues between the parties .
8 Much of the attraction of NVOCC carriage is that it offers discounted rates , especially for less than a full container load of cargo .
9 A brief analysis of Primal Scream 's pop career has also taken place , rounded off by a sure-footed declaration from Craig that ‘ the only respect I have for Bobby Gillespie is that he 's been closer to Kylie Minogue 's fanny than I have . ’
10 The special and attractive character of the Ortiz collection is that it is not just an assemblage of objects but the coherent vision of a man who believes that the whole is more than the sum of its parts and that the collector is as creative as the artist .
11 The effect of the decision in Aveling Barford is that where a company has no retained earnings , a transfer by it to a sister company which is known to be at an under value may be treated as an unauthorised return of capital .
12 What Marx and Engels show is that since these ideas are examples of ideology , attributing to them causal primacy amounts to making them unquestionable , and to making the social order which they legitimate and organize — capitalism — free from possible challenge .
13 One of the theories about the abandoned ship Marie Celeste is that the crew were plucked off by a hungry kraken .
14 Another noteworthy aspect of Circumspecte agatis is that it reminds us that legislation at that time was by no means limited to parliamentary acts , but could result from decisions of the king and his councillors , expressed in general writs to his justices and sheriffs .
15 An important lesson that has been learnt from the Beck case is that it is time for art historians to stop standing by in cowardice and make responsible evaluations of the restoration techniques used .
16 What 's funny about Frank Spencer is that he 's a fella .
17 And the failure of IBM management is that it did n't understand — and still does n't understand — the extent of the mischief the genie of open systems it let out of the bottle with the original open IBM Personal Computer , could wreak .
18 Another advantage of the IBM environment is that we have had the benefits of a comprehensive and integrated payroll and personnel information system for a number of years .
19 What Thucydides means is that the Spartans were immediately responsible for the breaking of the treaty/libations — but that Athenian dynamism was behind it all .
20 … perhaps the main value of the Library-College movement is that it provides a speculative model for use in our thinking .
21 So the surprising feature of Ibstock Johnsen is that it continues to make any money at all .
22 ‘ The problem with the Touche Ross report is that it makes assumptions that lead it to overestimate the savings associated with smaller , more numerous councils .
23 The NSPCC view is that while the current Criminal Justice Act will introduce some welcome improvements , it does not go far enough .
24 The sad thing about the Yobots article is that , since its publication , Quasp has been overtaken by trendy wimps .
25 The officials ' only remaining principal explanation for the cuts in ETB funding is that they are ‘ essential economies in the public expenditure budget ’ .
26 ‘ Well , one thing I know about Mr Coffin is that he was born in the early nineteen-twenties .
27 Northern Ireland play Lithuania in a World Cup Qualifying game at Windsor Park and the FIFA direction is that clubs must release selected players for such important internationals .
28 The comfort for Mr Chirac is that Mr Balladur 's popularity is unlikely to last .
29 One explanation for this unbridled production of HBV proteins is that it is fostered by concurrent mediations , including glucocorticoids and cyclosporin .
30 The key phrase used by Mr Meacher is that there should be a ‘ genuine interest ’ involved before industrial action was within the law .
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