Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] tell [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Herr Nordern told him , barking savagely at an innocent Paul who poked his head around the door to ask what time they wanted lunch .
2 Ben Horridge told me himself . ’
3 Gillian Vincent , 26 , who has never had a boyfriend , said it began after Hendry 's manager Ian Doyle told her not to write anymore .
4 ‘ He will have the same pay and arrangements as previous presenters , ’ Radio 5 spokeswoman Judy Leighton tells me .
5 But Jim Walker told me that , despite these good developments , he was worried that the new system for community care might be underresourced .
6 Sarah complained that she was ‘ bored ’ and so Miss Rudge told her to pack her bags and leave for a term .
7 She 's completely off her rocker , Miss Honey told herself .
8 This child , Miss Honey told herself , seems to be interested in everything .
9 Miss Honey tells me that you are meant to be clever , too !
10 If you 're into flora and fauna , Richard Marpole tells you what to look out for in the countryside this month on page 36 , while adventurers and armchair travellers alike can enjoy a walking trip to the Grand Canyon on page 27 .
11 As autumn marches on , Richard Marpole tells you what to look out for in the countryside this month and describes a nature walk in the mighty Cairngorms
12 I would of course have to write to Miss Kenton to tell her I might be passing by ; I would also need to see to the matter of the costumes .
13 SURPRISINGLY , DANNY says he does n't remember arguing about music in the office at all , save Neil Spencer telling him that Earth Wind & Fire sounded like ‘ a toothpaste advert ’ .
14 ‘ I have got an appointment for young Walker for Madras instead of Bombay which I am sure will please his friends ’ , David Scott told his agent in St. Andrews , on one occasion .
15 Sometimes I wonder if I sleep too much , but my friend Cully Chatterton tells me that the need for sleep varies considerably from person to person and one must follow one 's inclination . ’
16 ( Our big fish man Andy Parkes tells me he prefers the name Oddballs for the fish he keeps — he feels a tank buster is a fish that ‘ has to be turned round several times a day ’ — which sums up how I feel ) .
17 Andy Parkes tells us how to get large fish at cheaper prices by growing them on .
18 A deaf person , as Lucy Downes told us , is not so much worried about not knowing the answer to any question put to him ; he 's worried , embarrassingly so , about not hearing the question .
19 Former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath told him before he left that the Government should have pushed ahead with ratification of the Maastricht Treaty , despite Denamrk 's no vote .
20 ‘ It 's a fine idea , but Mrs. Olinton told me the other day that Mr. Olinton would n't lend any of his buildings to Scouts or Guides or Brownies or Cubs .
21 The Potter whose grandmother employed the second and third kitchenmaids in question was , M. André Simon tells me , Major Matthew Connolly ( father of Mr Cyril Connolly ) ; and with his felicitous evocation of a mid-Victorian country breakfast table and those second and third kitchenmaids pounding away at the ham and tongue for potting he makes a number of points , most relevant of which concerns the kitchenmaids .
22 And in passing sentence Judge David Lynch told him : ‘ You caused a great deal of distress and anger . ’
23 " I know , Miss Lucchesi told me "
24 Miss Boothroyd told him : ‘ You are not allowed to bring such an implement into this chamber . ’
25 She treats him with contempt and when Miss Havisham tells her to play cards with him she says
26 Miss Tuckey told us to look for a narrow objective within a broader attack .
27 Pat Williams told me she thought they were' a load of tripe' , but it was tripe that brought people into the cinemas for more than two decades and Ken became the staple part of a diet for which at one time the public seemed to have an insatiable appetite
28 Lucy Lane told him about the journal .
29 As David Griffiths tells us , when , in the 1940s and 1950s it was necessary to make appointments to advise on Youth Drama in order to meet the requirements of the new Government project , these people were the experts , already familiar with training schemes , whose advice was sought .
30 Monsieur Bonard told us that Monsieur Gebrec left the house in some distress this morning .
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