Example sentences of "[adv] where [pers pn] could " in BNC.

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1 Erm Romans verse and verse four you notice this text is taken from verse twelve , rejoice in the hope and then persevering prayer , but if you go into verse four , what it 's speaking about there , but just as we have in one body many , members , but the members do not all have the same function and then in six to eight he goes on to describe that we all have gifts do n't we differing according to the undeserved kindness given to us , whether er so forth and so faith , ministry , erm teaching , exhorting , all these different gifts , though sometimes if a particular brother or sister does n't have a particular gift and we think well you know that 's a bit hard going I ca n't seem to listen to them , that 's an area perhaps where we could erm be quivering could n't we , or complaining , especially about assignments , you might get speakers that come here from other congregations , and some are better than others are n't they ?
2 Once Anne had accepted the fact that I was n't gon na work in the foreseeable future , and it was her choice that we stay , cos I gave her a clear choice , it was either move away where I could get work , or stay and suffer the wages of the dole like you know .
3 Well , I think you 're at the stage now where we could get you doing your exercises , Jim .
4 but he , he 's at that age now where I could have another kid and look after it quite easily if I had one , but I do n't wan na go through , not the pregnancy , but I do n't want to go through all the babies and getting up in the night and , one that 'll come out six months old
5 I 'm not disputing that , I 'm simply saying that perhaps we have a management problem here where we could be doing things differently and I 'd like to hear some positive suggestions from housing officers as to how you can address that .
6 We also recognise that there is a tremendous problem for deferred pensioners in achieving reasonable transfer values er er er it 's a massive problem for them , even where they could find perhaps something to do with that money and a scheme that would do them better , not always , because there , there are people that give bad advice , but there are some that go into it very thoroughly and when it comes down to the bit the transfer value they receive makes it im practically impossible for them to do it .
7 They did n't want to surround him just there and then where he could see them .
8 When he , but then he said , like he said is there anywhere else where he could get a stage from and I explained to him that people come and hire the stage off us like Saint Michael-le-Belfry church , who are paying in cash .
9 We we could ask them actually where you could put where are you from
10 And er he says er he says , you know I 'll have to get somewhere to stay , is there anywhere where I could stay ?
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