Example sentences of "[adv] even if we " in BNC.

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1 Frequently there is no contact number , so even if we like the music , we ca n't do much about it .
2 We could probably only charge about £4 a ticket , so even if we could do an Eastern European tour , we 'd lose so much money on it .
3 Not only do we not usually think of Snell 's law when we try to net a fish or tickle a trout , but we could not use it to help us do so even if we did .
4 So even if we do n't call on you to , do it , you wo n't be called .
5 So even if we agree that abolition was his intention and that that intention would have failed , if we consider also that it was mistaken anyway , we need pursue the point no further , except to add this : granted that the evil of insufficiently regulated competition is that it leads ultimately to the vicious exploitation of employees , the point can hardly be made of industrial co-operatives .
6 And so even if we could produce Mercedes Benz over here alright , we probably would n't alright , unless all Mercedes Benz production were specialized over here , production has become a lot more specialized in manufacturing , where you just have large plants producing erm , the entire world production of that particular erm , product .
7 Erm and so even if we had a full employment situation , we would still need an economic bonus strategy and I know the Conservatives wo n't agree with that , they were very reluctant the last administration to think about economic developments at all but , er eventually they realised the recession was quite er , quite serious .
8 Er , Chairman erm , I do believe that this has always been an issue erm of vested interests and bureaucracy administration but all I want to say to members of the council today as a member of the youth and community advisory committee is that extremely serious er far reaching decisions are gon na have to be taken because we were told at the last meeting of that sub committee that just to stand still because of the changes in legislation regarding transfer of funds to the er F E funding council , we will lose a further two million pounds next year so even if we er do not have to find any cuts within our own budget that money is going out of this authority 's budget it may come back in in commissioning agreements but because of the different timescale that the funding council works on we probably wo n't know that when we come to set our budget and really the issue for the Labour group I think in particular as councillor has said , is the question of budgetary control .
9 Thus even if we accept that the duty of directors to act in the best interests of shareholders can be equated with a duty to maximize profits this does not provide us with any real assurance that the wishes of the shareholders are being executed by the directors or that we have a satisfactory way of controlling the discretion accorded to directors in the name of the Rule of Law .
10 We do n't spend it unless we have to , we seek to persuade the tenants to contribute towards it , indeed even if we contribute , we get a rent back on it .
11 then even if we get the increase in work we will not have the staff available to cope with it ,
12 Therefore even if we accept the military estimates of the ‘ probable ’ accuracy of such weapons ( 300 metres or more for ‘ tactical ’ weapons , with somewhat greater accuracy for the ‘ battlefield ’ types ) this still means the statistical inevitability of some inaccuracy ( Weston , 1983 ; United Nations , 1981 ; Krass and Smith , 1982 ) .
13 Actually even if we had n't wanted to see each other again she would have got the flowers , ’ laughs Colin .
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