Example sentences of "[adv] important [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In this instance , however , it was especially important to measure in some detail the tasks undertaken at field level .
2 and I think it 's perhaps important to start with that we go with something that 's a little bit open-ended that we can review in a years time er , perhaps a little bit later and say well look we have shown that we can do it valuably er the proof is in the pudding , it now beholds everybody to do it this way .
3 Nevertheless he thought The Survivors sufficiently important to send to the Whitechapel Art Gallery 's survey , ‘ British Painting and Sculpture ’ , held in the autumn of 1954 .
4 The computer ‘ forgets ’ whatever is stored in RAM when it is switched off ; which is why it is so important to save to disk any files you have created beforehand .
5 It is extremely important to go to an experienced breeder with a proven track record ; he will have seen the litter every day and will know each pup 's individual character , faults and virtues .
6 John Taylor has something extremely important to say about these potential sources of offence : " We may learn to reformulate these irreducible convictions in the light of our dialogue .
7 I agree with my hon. Friend that it is extremely important to bear in mind the key significance of the Chamber and the Smoking Room .
8 An aspect of marriage that is highlighted in ‘ Mansfield Park ’ is that it is extremely important to marry within your own class or what is even more preferred is to marry a person above your own class .
9 This makes it all the more important to arrive at the interview well prepared .
10 In this case the same precautions apply and it is even more important to deal with ownership of copyright otherwise the agency ( as employer ) could turn out to be the ultimate owner of the copyright .
11 Although very pale on the Monday , like many of your sons and daughters now , she decided it was more important to go to school to sit her mock G C S Es .
12 None too quietly , he asked the woman if she would mind leaving him alone , just for a while , since he had something more important to do for the minute than listen to her gripes and belly-aching .
13 But I 'm sure it was much more important to pave over history and build this — this autostrada than to worry about preserving something like the Appian Way ! ’
14 At the time , however , the question of Ho Chi Minh 's communism and his connections with Moscow and with ‘ international communism , seemed somewhat academic and certainly no more important to begin with than the mounting suspicions of France 's unreconstructed colonialism .
15 All this may sound negative but it is more important to prepare for death than for any other event of life however much current thinking may sweep the subject under the carpet .
16 It has never been more important to concentrate on a particular area where your business can obtain a pre-eminent position , and to understand the basis of that pre-eminence .
17 If a horse shies , he is fundamentally ignoring the rider 's inside leg , so rather than worrying about the horse shying , it is more important to concentrate on exercises which make the horse move away from the leg such as leg-yield , shoulder-in , enlarging and decreasing the circle .
18 This being so , it is all the more important to end by underlining what I take to be gained by the acceptance of my proposal that concessive holism should be adopted as the most fruitful approach to social explanation .
19 If your work is mainly in the trade and industrial area it is even more important to keep in constant touch with the leading publications in the field .
20 Possible complications and side-effects are ignored or minimised in a target-oriented programme because it is more important to add to the numbers of acceptors than to help women make an informed choice about contraception .
21 She had something more important to think about .
22 For insects such as locusts , which migrate over vast distances , it is even more important to fly at an economical speed .
23 In Chapter 6 , we shall see that , in order to make sense of voting behaviour and party choice , it is vitally important to attend to the significance of sociological factors rather than to the more obvious political factors that bear on issues , parties , candidates , and leaders .
24 It 's always important to get in front .
25 What is at once important to stress about the Council is the lasting caution , indeed conservatism , of the majority of its members and of their consultants , as much as of the curia and the popes .
26 It is also important to plant in an orderly manner to fit the width of your mower cut .
27 It is also important to take into account any rebasing of the RPI .
28 But , given the continuing uncertainty of public opinion , it was also important to go for an ‘ existing and less contentious site ’ .
29 For this reason , it is also important to consider at what point in the programme of the development an application should be made .
30 It is also important to keep in mind that both the objective and subjective dimensions of the disability/ageing career will be shaped by race and gender .
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