Example sentences of "[adv] why they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It does not matter where a person dies ; it matters only why they die .
2 So why they did it Well why they did it is clear er to make slightly bigger hall , but why they took the risk they did is not so clear .
3 I want to know why they did it and especially why they did what they did with the head …
4 The Perks come from the third planet of a G class system in the region of Betelgeuse , where they live in warrens , underground , which is perhaps why they took so readily to the tunnels of Plenty .
5 None of these structures competes with the others which is perhaps why they work as a trio .
6 He wondered aloud why they had not heard from the officer who had gone to check on the man seen with MacQuillan at the Black Friar .
7 To encourge them back to Oxfordshire , BBONT have launched a 2 year project to find out exactly why they disappeared .
8 Consequently the professional should discuss what has happened with the parents and make quite certain they know exactly why they have been advised to adopt certain practices .
9 Certainly , when asked directly why they had decided to take early retirement , it was the most frequently mentioned reason by those concerned .
10 In fact , she had greasy hair and worried about her weight too , but on the other hand she was also attractive ; she had lovely teeth and something really friendly and sexy about her — lots of boys fancied her , that 's partly why they teased her .
11 Even those who were royal servants , like Archbishop Reynolds himself , by their efforts in the preceding months and years to reconcile king and barons had demonstrated their concern with the peace of the community , which may explain also why they thought it prudent to prefer the Despensers — able royal servants that they were — to the unpredictable and scarcely less disruptive earl of Lancaster .
12 So that 's probably why they go in for more of these courses things
13 Well that 's probably why they 've decided against it .
14 That 's probably why they had to write to each other even after they were married .
15 ‘ They had their own little bits of garden but they were never made to help when they were young , which is probably why they liked it all the more . ’
16 We know now why they wanted aboard the Ariadne .
17 Well no cos it 's better receiving Valentines card rather than hearing it over the phone really why they gave them out
18 Well why they do n't lock it !
19 So why they did it Well why they did it is clear er to make slightly bigger hall , but why they took the risk they did is not so clear .
20 I was first taken to see these ‘ houses ’ by my father when I was nine ; I have often wondered since then why they had never become a tourist attraction .
21 It took Daphne several attempts to explain what ‘ riding to hounds ’ actually meant , though she had to admit that even Eliza Doolittle would have been hard pushed to understand fully why they bothered with the exercise in the first place .
22 I wonder briefly why they speak in this telegram way when they have something important to say .
23 Now we have seen the main systems of breeding we can ask again why they take the form they do , and why some species are monogamous , others polygynous , others polyandrous .
24 He asked himself again why they needed him here .
25 I mean , it 's unbelievable , you know th er , he 's done so many breweries and yet why they do n't talk to wo well I mean they must talk to one another .
26 It is important today in a multicultural society that you learn to understand and respect what other people think and believe and therefore why they behave in the way they do .
27 And er the thing was , we found out afterwards why they 'd done it .
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