Example sentences of "[adv] much [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Donlevy ‘ lorded it over everybody else ’ and exasperated Ray Milland so much that during a fencing sequence , Milland aimed for an unpadded spot on Donlevy , managing to draw blood .
2 You must be especially proud today , because she liked you so much that despite all the difficulties of her first marriage , when she met you she decided to try it again .
3 In her case the disease had progressed rapidly with little instances of remission and her condition had deteriorated so much that within three years she was almost permanently confined to a wheelchair .
4 This can surprise us and overwhelm us so much that by far the most appropriate response is to laugh .
5 Why for example is the profit on running a service station whittled away so much that by the time off-site costs are taken into account , the final profit is just one quarter of what it was ?
6 Exports , which used to be the engine of growth , are down and imports are way up — by so much that in 1990 Korea experienced its first current-account deficit in five years .
7 Soil structure has declined so much that in 1984 The Soil Survey of England and Wales calculated that 44 per cent of UK arable land was vulnerable to erosion .
8 The interesting thing of course was his ro , his brother Robert was a civil engineer and the story goes , of course , they disagreed so much that in the end George said okay Robert you can have the civil engineers , I 'll start with mechanical engineers !
9 Scholarship [ Wissenschaft ] , art and philosophy are now growing together inside me so much that in any case I 'll be giving birth to centaurs one day .
10 ‘ In fact , Jason reminds people of Ellery so much that in some parts of Yorkshire they refer to him as Black Pearl II .
11 At first it were good because it were incentive for her to keep going because she 'd , you know , paid so much but toward the end , she said , it were getting ridiculous .
12 This game was a little disheartening , not so much because of the disciplinary problem , but because it showed all too clearly that few if any of them were actually listening to what I was saying .
13 He spoke of the way Britain failed to take care of the environment and lamented the creeping of towns and the vanishing of the fields and hedgerows , not so much because of the animals as because of the air and the nature of man and the liberty of the soul .
14 Perhaps such interpretations are intriguing not so much because of their rather desperate commitment to the metaphysical primacy of heterosexual genital intercourse — that is merely banal — but because they reveal the tortured cultural and psychic logic which that commitment entails .
15 Hue and Cry are the most interesting of the new pop sophisticates , not so much because of the music , but because singer and lyricist Patrick Kane is an intellectual firebrand who 's more sussed than most about the contradictions and complexities of trying to infiltrate intelligence into the world of teenpop .
16 Thank goodness we were never occupied — not so much because of what the occupiers might have done to us , but because of what we would probably have done to each other .
17 He wanted to find her , certainly , but not so much because of his job as a reporter , rather because of what he might learn from her .
18 ‘ Out of doors is the best place for Brownies , really , but we 've only been able to be out of doors so much because of this hot summer .
19 Just In Time is a great demo , not so much because of original ideas ( there are hardly any ) , but the excellent execution of the routines make it well worth a gander .
20 Out in the Weald , it is probable that wood rather than stone was still used , not so much because of local backwardness as of the easy availability of building materials .
21 CHARITIES are losing money not so much because of the practice of suggesting the amount of donations but because they impose such high postal charges on the goods they offer .
22 This is not so much because John Hart , the Malvern College schoolmaster , and his nine colleagues would have otherwise found themselves paying a hefty tax bill on the concessionary school places given to their sons eight years ago ; nor is it so much because of the thousands of other employees who would also have faced tax bills for other concessionary benefits .
23 Although the decision has caused controversy , it is not so much because of the principles underlying the determination of a duty of care but mostly because of the House of Lords ' interpretation of the Companies Act responsibilities of auditors .
24 Not so much because of the menace in his voice and manner , but because it caused me to lose what little respect I had for him .
25 They no longer speak , she says , not so much because of the Lady Illingworth fraud , but because of ‘ differences ’ .
26 The tariff issue was therefore full of danger for Baldwin , not so much because of its content as because it could be exploited by those who wished to build up discontent against the spirit of ‘ Safety first ’ .
27 So in 1950 the American , Hillary Waugh , impressed by a volume of real murder cases he had picked up , not so much because of the horrific details the author had dwelt on as by the tone of authenticity that seemed to arise naturally from the accounts of the cases , decided to write a fictional crime story catching as much as he could of this real-life feel .
28 But Harold was not to be soothed : he demanded retribution , he demanded action , not so much because of the ridicule but because at some stage in the programme it was alleged that he had made advantageous use of privileged or secret material in an improper fashion in relation to a book he was then about to publish .
29 As we have already indicated , what has been ‘ lost ’ from the countryside has been the village as an occupational community , which has disappeared not so much because of the impact of the newcomers but because of the underlying changes in the economics of agriculture .
30 ‘ Not so much because of the liver but because it spoils the effect of the first drink of the evening . ’
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