Example sentences of "[adv] because [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For those who might be interested in switching , perhaps because a major aim is to retire before age 60 , you should know that whereas until recently insurance companies were virtually the only outlet for buying individual pension plans , today these are also available from banks , building societies , unit trusts and friendly societies .
2 A bishopric was not re-created at Ripon ( perhaps because a papal privilege was now recognized as protecting the monastery there ) , but Wilfrid was never restored to York during Aldfrith 's reign .
3 He also published a novel , acted in movies and assisted on the screen plays of others ; but he did not direct again after 1974 , perhaps because a much-anticipated family saga , La Maison des Bories , reveals many of the faults of those film-makers swept away by the nouvelle vague , and none of the movement 's freshness .
4 For some reason , perhaps because an official collection had already been issued , the work was coolly received in Bologna and it was little " glossed " or commented on by canonists , and it was said that Innocent had again refused his official imprimatur .
5 The effects of these changes in agricultural techniques so far are by no means catastrophic for birds , perhaps because the limited availability of bushy nesting cover in predominantly arable areas has controlled the number of many common passerines below the levels the potential food supply could support .
6 In cichlids this seems to pose no particular problem , perhaps because the average female cichlid will content herself with any mate if an appropriate one is not available .
7 Perhaps because the average standard of anglers has improved they are not quite held in so much esteem and yet that really is not quite fair , given that it is now harder to achieve a level of consistency with open match results .
8 If one can hazard one generalization from the responses to this question , it is that the early enthusiasm for undergraduate interdisciplinary ventures which was evident in the 1970s has now given way to a more ambivalent attitude , perhaps because the practical institutional and professional problems have become more evident , a view found also in the OECD ‘ Interdisciplinarity Revisited ’ report ( Levin and Lind 1985 ) .
9 Sukarno suffered from malaria ; in 1938 he was moved to Benkulen in Sumatra , perhaps for humanitarian reasons ( in 1936 Hatta and Sjahrir were moved from their vile jungle camp ) , or perhaps because the Dutch hoped that a more Islamic environment would complete his ‘ conversion , from politics to religion , for Islam in Sumatra was more powerful than the syncretic faith of Java .
10 Where the conditions for such cultural reproduction are missing , perhaps because the occupational and residential communities have been dispersed , then the social cohesion of the class becomes more difficult to sustain .
11 Dalgliesh thought that it had probably been built later , perhaps because the original owner of the mansion had quarrelled with the local parson and , in defiance , had decided to make his own arrangements for spiritual ministrations .
12 This is perhaps because the later accretions are somewhat dwarfed amid the towering Gothic architecture .
13 The treaty was never implemented , however , perhaps because the French could not raise the first instalment of the ransom in the six months specified , and in May 1359 the ‘ Second Treaty of London ’ was concluded .
14 This is not a possibility which seems to have been considered seriously hitherto , perhaps because the 1377 precedent was such a disastrous one .
15 This is not a possibility which seems to have been considered seriously hitherto , perhaps because the 1377 precedent was such a disastrous one .
16 Many people still do , perhaps because the true , Darwinian explanation of our own existence is still , remarkably , not a routine part of the curriculum of a general education .
17 Dr Farouk Mohamed Ibrahim , a 62-year-old biology lecturer at the University of Khartoum , was arrested on 20 November 1989 , apparently because the Sudanese military authorities suspected him of opposing their policies .
18 However in the new proposals ( Department of Trade and Industry 1988b ) these calls have largely remained unanswered , apparently because the official doctrinal position is that ,
19 In the event the money was nothing like enough because the new owners were able to force Ayling to pay for structural work which needed to be carried out to the upper part .
20 While there are some ‘ off the shelf ’ packages which can be employed to assist in time and cost controls , there are no comprehensive programmes which can simply be applied to every surveying job , basically because no two are entirely alike .
21 Such mass forms of music now exist , less because a large number of recipients have the same musical needs than because these needs become similar ( transcending all ethnic , national and social barriers ) , since the individual here can be a recipient of music only in association with others ( ibid : 233 ) .
22 But the benefit of a second one-year set-aside , if the scheme is extended , would be less because the reduced area of cereals harvested in 1992 would reduce the co-responsibility levy refund .
23 Liberalism insists that merely because a moral belief is generally held , that fact provides an insufficient reason to enforce that moral belief through law .
24 This challenge is a peculiar one , at the moment , not merely because a good photographer must try ( if only for the sake of his own integrity ) to make something visually ‘ different ’ from the mass of photography which has gone before , but also because the Opera House is obscured at present by building operations .
25 This challenge is a peculiar one , at the moment , not merely because a good photographer must try ( if only for the sake of his own integrity ) to make something visually ‘ different ’ from the mass of photography which has gone before , but also because the Opera House is obscured at present by building operations .
26 Can you really be reneging on that vow , merely because a connected case is being investigated by the Inspector ? ’
27 Who are we to judge and belittle the nature of their experience merely because the profit-motive has made it possible .
28 For the avoidance of doubt , Mr. Speaker , I do not intend to give way to the hon. Gentleman and , if he persists in intervening , it is merely because the Labour party 's grasp of democracy can not survive a week such as the previous one .
29 This was not merely because the new function of the bourgeois wife , to show off the capacity of the bourgeois husband to keep her in leisure and luxury , conflicted with the old functions of actually running a household , but also because her inferiority to the man must be demonstrable :
30 We have no indication yet that any district council is thinking of reducing the amounts it pays merely because the mandatory limit has lowered from fifty to twenty .
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