Example sentences of "[adv] look for it " in BNC.

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1 The first order of meaning is available to participants but the second order of signification is a ‘ hidden ’ level of meaning in that it is not readily available to participants ( who might believe striptease to be erotic ) and needs to be generated by an analyst who knows that it is there and so looks for it .
2 ‘ Perhaps I 'm still looking for it . ’
3 I have often looked for it with binoculars , but I have never been able to glimpse it even with × 20 , though my 76-mm refractor brings it out unmistakably , and with my 39-cm reflector I have no trouble in seeing the central star .
4 I have n't really looked for it .
5 Oh , this , this is a very important book of course and one of the , one of the astonishing things is the way totally ignored and if you look through even people who write about psychoanalyses and the social sciences and there 's a lot of them , this book is hardly ever mentioned and I , I normally nowadays routinely look for it in the , in the references and index an and many books th that purport to talk about groups and sociology is never mentioned I think , and those that do do n't ever seem to understand what it says .
6 There has been an advantage in looking first at an exercise because its very ‘ task ’ orientation often makes the structure explicit , whereas in group drama one has often to look for it .
7 But I would say to each of your listeners I sure you know people who find a tranquility , a centredness , a source of strength and confidence in their religious faith , they are the representatives of what religion can do , not the Ayatollahs , and not the fanatics , and not the people on television , but the people who spend their lives trying to be good and helpful , and one day they 'll look around and realise that happiness has snuck in the back door when they were n't even looking for it .
8 When you find the area of the library in which the class number of your book is located , do not immediately look for it , but try to locate the range of shelving where the class number can be found on the spines of the books .
9 Okay well look for it .
10 Far better , it seemed to me , was the simple strategy of waiting for nature to come to you , rather than going clumsily to look for it .
11 Or even sometimes to actually look for it .
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