Example sentences of "[adv] give [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Is DCF as desirable a form of analysis as the theory of finance implies — especially given criticisms of the technique voiced by some academics in the corporate-strategy area ?
2 In fact , the text can only give bones to the story .
3 Even low-sugar rusks can contain up to 15 per cent sugar so give crusts of toast or a scrubbed carrot to gnaw on instead .
4 It does it does n't really matter erm there 's only Give reasons for this choice .
5 3 Only give samples to journalists who will actually be able to use the material gained .
6 It is not that these judgements should not be made , but that where subjective judgements are made by the teacher she should be aware that this is so and be prepared , not only to give reasons for her judgements , but also to be sufficiently flexible to change them in the light of particular circumstances .
7 SCOTVEC National Certificate Modules were introduced in 1984 and were designed to replace the prevailing system of ONCs ( Ordinary National Certificates ) and ONDs ( Ordinary National Diplomas ) which were based on subjects grouped together to give courses in a particular area .
8 You may find a rare name whose five or six entries must be related , so giving insights into a family structure advertised by their addresses .
9 It is worth adding , as something of an aside , that the experimental result just described not only gives reasons for preferring the associative account but also seems to demand an explanation in terms of acquired equivalence rather than acquired distinctiveness .
10 In addition , Morton apparently gives details of the existence of a second tape recording of Diana making phone calls. , it can be revealed today .
11 In fact , this would pay to rebuild only the most modest house , and the table below gives examples of what it would cost to rebuild different types of houses in different parts of the country .
12 But Descartes had already given answers to objections such as these .
13 Witnesses have already given descriptions of the pair who were seen having what appeared to be a heated argument .
14 They said the Iraqi leaders had already given details of P O Ws .
15 I have already given examples of different characteristics evolving for different reasons .
16 ‘ With the Cold War over , and the Communist Party divided , we can no longer give excuses for the shortcomings of the system , the lack of accountability .
17 ( Lecturers at the Open University do not normally give lectures at all ; they produce correspondence material for their students , as well as working with BBC colleagues on the production of radio and television programmes . )
18 The most important finding from this study was simply that drivers were able to comfortably give ratings of subjective risk .
19 Some authorities already give condoms to GPs but the service is patchy .
20 With a shrug , he turned away to give orders for the care of the greys , and the visitors ' mounts .
21 There 's another item of news , which erm , er Ron only got on the sixteenth August and it 's about the pre-congress pensioner 's march and rally , now the congress is held in Glasgow , so I think we were n't going to that one anyway , but it just giving details of erm the arrangements for the pensioner 's march which we usually have , we usually attend if it 's in the South anywhere , but that 's just for information .
22 On page 23 too there is a picture of Carol McMahon who is generously giving hours of her time patiently illuminating a new Book of Remembrance for Eccleston Square .
23 It was evident that in neither the ECSC nor EDC could the supranational agencies have powers commensurate with their responsibilities : the ECSC was already giving indications of the resilience of national governments .
24 The island no longer gave men without much capital the economic opportunity sometimes to be found on a frontier , where land can be acquired cheaply by anyone prepared to make the great effort needed to clear it and plant the first crops .
25 Some names have already been mentioned but it is possible to think of so many : of Mr Tommy and Mr Bobbie Reynolds and their work in choir and Sunday School , of the dignified and gracious figures of Mr and Mrs T H Watson ( parents of the Reverend George Watson ) , of Mr W A Mullen DL and his son Mr Cecil Mullen , generous and energetic benefactors of the church in so many ways , of Mr R J Magowan OBE JP for over 40 years secretary of the Trustees , of the brothers Mr Herbie and Mr David McClatchey , their service as Trustees and members of the choir , of Mr David Lyttle , Mr Norman Lyttle and Mr Sammy Lyttle , active in all aspects of the church 's life but especially concerned with choir and Sunday Schools of Mr Willie Holmes and his daughters Winnie and Amy , of Mr David Lamb and his family , of Mr Twinem Jackson , who , with Mr Magowan , still had time to give years of public service to the community at large in Portadown , of Mr C J McKinley , concerned with the Building Fund over the years and Superintendent of the morning Sunday School from 1943 to the 1960s , of Mrs Sleator with her wholehearted love for the church and for people , of Mr Bertie Montgomery , always cheerful and serene , who , among so many other things , began the practice of taping the services for the benefit of the elderly and housebound , of M Alfred Shortt and his long and generous association with the Sunday School , or Mr Dan Humphries , helping over the years with the church 's finances , of members of the Calvert and Hardy families and of those who , belonging to other Societies , nevertheless gave years of service to Edenderry — Mr Sam Robinson , Mr Joseph Cranston , Mr John Curry , Mr James Mullen , Mr W J Green , Mr Isaac Holland , Mr Eric Walker , and Mr William Bustard .
26 He handed over his delivery order to an official who thereupon gave instructions for loading to commence .
27 You are usually given problems in advance , and will be asked to give your solutions and how you arrived at them .
28 In any case , the original module will still exist , since users are only ever given copies from LIFESPAN to modify .
29 The issue is not whether the UK should back nuclear safety research at Ispra ( those of us in the field in the UK are all in favour of that ) , but whether the majority of the resources ( and even an increase in the planned budget ) should be concentrated on a single project which can not possibly give results until late 1986 .
30 If partner " A " has an obligation to give partner " B " armshells ( mwali ) then partner " B " must give back necklaces ( soulaya , bagi ) and , vice versa , " A " can never give back necklaces to " B " , nor can " B " ever give armshells to " A " .
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