Example sentences of "[adv] give [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 Raft , n , an improvised float of planks fastened together to give support on water .
2 Smurfit Paribas carried out a privatisation study and made significant borrowings available ; Smurfit Printing secured the lucrative telephone directory printing contract ; Smurfit architect Brian O'Halloran secured the commission for the controversial corporate headquarters ; business associates Padraic Hasset and John Finnegan were asked to find a site for Telecom headquarters ; Finnegan gave advice on the purchase of the Ballsbridge site ( he also apparently gave advice on its sale to UPH ) and finally Dermot Desmond was commissioned to carry out another privatisation study .
3 Storage of samples at the ‘ standard conditions ’ normally gives evidence on which a prediction can be made with reasonable accuracy of the stability/compatibility and shelf-life of the product in domestic market conditions .
4 Within hours of the signing of the law , Janet Benshoof , an attorney from the American Civil Liberties Union , made a speech in which she deliberately gave advice on where women could obtain abortions .
5 It will also give guidance on means of achieving fair distribution of work within chambers .
6 The centre can also give advice on benefits , which is obviously really important when you 've just lost your job .
7 The Office can also give information on grants that are available to certain people who , at present , have no insulation in their home at all .
8 The annual report should also give information on directors ' remuneration and the cost of non-audit services provided by the auditor .
9 David Tagg ( and his chartered physiotherapist wife Linda ) also give advice on back care .
10 Also gives information on sandwich courses , and about the professional examinations necessary and the university , polytechnic and college courses which are recognised for exemption .
11 The tape also gives advice on diet , health , and beauty .
12 The booklet explains how to cope with intruders and doorstep callers , and also gives advice on unwanted phone calls , problems at work and violence within the family .
13 The group which needs donations also gives advice on looking after pets at all ages throughout their lives .
14 The Code also gives guidance on good practice on the conducting of picketing .
15 Pennethorne was examined on his controversy with Hall who , as well as being a member of the Committee , also gave evidence on this subject .
16 The few staff members available also gave advice on the suitability of sites for such projects .
17 Paschal II , who was slowly giving way on the question of homage , which Anselm looked on as settled , sweetened the pill by piecemeal concessions on the primacy .
18 The government has not so far given ground on Mozambique , and has insisted that it is committed to keeping its troops in Cambodia .
19 Despite this demonstration of the Department of Energy 's failure adequately to foresee a threatening situation , it was not to safeguard its own reputation that the department refused originally to give information on the lease to a Magill reporter : ‘ these leases are negotiated individually between the company and the department .
20 Ms Donovan eventually gave notice on this basis , but she later submitted an unfair dismissal application .
21 Having begun proceedings , the Commission must , within four months , either give clearance on the basis that the merger is compatible with the Common Market according to the criteria described above , or else declare the merger incompatible with the Common Market .
22 Royal acta , especially charters , but also letters and judgements , allow the pattern of royal patronage to be reconstructed ; and incidentally give information on the king 's itinerary and sometimes his entourage .
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