Example sentences of "[adv] give [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Parliament has expressly given him power to intervene when the local authority is acting unreasonably .
2 Just a month later , on 25 November 1944 , The Soldier 's Tale was successfully given its premiere by the Ballet Club at the Alhambra , Cape Town .
3 For instance , a book issued is not necessarily a book read , and a book read has not ( as discussed above ) necessarily given its reader what he or she wanted .
4 The National Rivers Authority has only given its approval for half the planned graveyard .
5 The National Rivers Authority has only given its approval for half the planned graveyard .
6 The Foreign Office had only given him permission to join the Army on the understanding that he would return to Abyssinia when his leave expired .
7 Indeed the Professor 's raps frequently fail to rise above their musical platforms , which is by no means necessarily a bad thing ( especially given their content ) , since said platforms score highly on the think-I'm-gonna-dance register .
8 I think I 'd be good at lecturing , especially given my aspect of appreciating .
9 Her voice trailed away as she realised , from the other woman 's beaming smile of relief , that she 'd inadvertently given her hostess quite the wrong impression .
10 So better give her mother time to cool down and not stoke her anger further by trying to defend Molly .
11 You better give him fiver .
12 So I 'll leave that for you to play with and erm I better give your mum a shout because I should have gone by now .
13 ‘ I 'll especially give your love to Jamie , ’ Rachel said with an understanding smile .
14 Obviously there is also the money element , and by returning to work you can perhaps give your child other benefits you might not otherwise be able to afford such as foreign holidays or maybe a private education .
15 At the end of five years , you 've got the option er and you can er then extend the er into the erm er next issue if you wish , or you can go on the extension rate , which is n't usually good , or in index-linked certificates ' case , they 'll perhaps give you indexation , but no er bonuses .
16 Penny went shopping with Rowan , into one of those very expensive boutiques shops , yeah , and between them they bought this dress , and when they got it home , Rowan 's mother would n't let her have it because it was too revealing and so Penny was stuck with it and then her mother would n't let her have it either , but the shop would n't refund , it would only give them credit so she 's got all this money to spend in the shop .
17 Thingol , Luthien 's father , is so enraged that a mortal should dare to woo his daughter that he says he will only give her hand to Beren if he will wrest one of the Silmarils , or enchanted jewels , from the iron crown of the dark lord Margoth .
18 That would only give him pleasure .
19 Remember , it takes your skin between 24 and 48 hours to start producing melanin , which will not only give your skin colour but some natural protection , too .
20 Erm , also I , I wanted to try and cover the main points and it 's very difficult with a subject like that to , to only give you part of the , the story otherwise people would immediately say , well , yes , but you have n't thought about this or that .
21 Similarly , taking self-defence classes will not only give you confidence but could actually help if you were attacked .
22 My parents , you see , said ah , in England they will only give you tea .
23 ‘ I will only give my name , rank and number , ’ I said pompously .
24 and they can all give them work .
25 So give her time .
26 So give him Dentinox for starters , and he 'll be happy ever after .
27 This state of mind will transmit itself into the drawing and so give it life .
28 This state of mind will transmit itself into the drawing and so give it life .
29 It was probable that he had not , and best in any case not to go near ; soon he would miss her , want her back , and perhaps give his permission for the marriage despite all he had said to the contrary .
30 Hodkinson , who lost his WBC world featherweight title to Mexican Goyo Bargas in April , spoke only to give his address .
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