Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) That since it could not be said that the jury would inevitably have convicted the defendant if before the trial the defence had been given the statement of the deceased 's husband and the two statements of her sister , if the jury had properly been directed with regard to evidence as to the defendant 's previous good character , and if they had received guidance from the judge on their problem concerning the evidence , the proviso to section 14(1) of the Judicature ( Appellate Jurisdiction ) Act could not be applied to uphold the conviction ; and that , accordingly , the case would be remitted to the Court of Appeal of Jamaica with the direction that it should quash the conviction and either enter a verdict of acquittal or order a new trial , whichever it considered proper in the interests of justice ( post , p. 169C–D , G–H ) .
2 Sales vouchers relating to other credit card companies such as American Express , Diners Club International , Carte Blanche , etc. are dealt with in a different manner .
3 I shall use them first to illustrate the handling of written speech and then locate the way thoughts , beliefs , etc. are dealt with .
4 In any case , when someone gossips well they are called a wit or a conversationalist ; only those who gossip badly are tarred with the appellation ‘ Gossip ’ .
5 This has since been refined with the issue of the revised Capricode ( DHSS , 1986 ) manual in 1986 .
6 The myth that community care is cheaper than institutional care has long since been dispensed with , but this may not necessarily deter the government from seeing the impending changes as an opportunity to cut costs .
7 Space was at such a premium here that the narrow side streets had long since been filled with structures .
8 School- teachers all over Sarawak who supported the PBDS have since been threatened with disciplinary action .
9 A Cheltenham man has since been charged with murder and wounding a second student .
10 Various grown men were seen to be weeping and Columbia Records have since been inundated with complaining telephone calls .
11 It was , in fact , the work of his son , William , and Miller comments ‘ I was first favoured by this sort by Mr. Peter Collinson , FRS and afterwards received a plant with a drawing of it made in the country where it grows , by Mr. John Bartram , JR , and have since been furnished with more plants by Dr. Benzel of Germantown in Philadelphia , who found it growing plentifully in shady , moist places . ’
12 In one corner we put a box where the bird could shelter , and we covered this with corrugated iron sheeting ( though it 's since been replaced with corrugated plastic ) .
13 However , thanks to the efforts of Fred , Bob and a host of well-wishers , they have since been equipped with all the basics they need to start rebuilding the civilised kind of lifestyle they are obviously used to .
14 Numerous further endoscopic biopsies of enlarged papillas in FAP patients have since been performed with standard forceps without complication .
15 This indeed was a factor in hastening the decay of villeinage , because a man who was free would not wish to incur servile obligations if he took possession of land which had hitherto been burdened with them .
16 Dauberval 's exclusion from the Académie Royale ( later the Paris Opera ) was justified by those in charge because they felt his idea of making farmers , peasants and the like the heroes and heroines of his ballets was beneath the dignity of an opera house whose stage had hitherto been occupied with the deeds of noble heroes , heroines and courts .
17 But then here we are twenty thirty years on and those of us who had that upbringing about the purity of that Royal Family that 's suddenly been confronted with this image that 's anything but that and you know and I 'm , and I , and it 's been and now you have the tabloids saying giving you pictorial evidence of its any , any but that and so that whole erm image , view that a lot of Britons grew up with has gone , it 's been
18 The systems approach has necessarily been identified with a positivist approach and as such has been less resilient in human ( Johnston , 1983a ) than in physical geography .
19 Sorry I ca n't really sort of say I must admit I could n't really see why they should be like that really cos I mean it is a bit puzzling cos if they 've only just done anything , they 've only been tampering with this finger so
20 This trend has only been strengthened with the enfranchisement of spending power in modern industrial societies .
21 In practice micro-corporatism of this sort has only been undertaken with any consistency by local government and their agencies ( such as the enterprise boards ) or by the development agencies ( see , for example , Greater London Council ( 1985 ) and Murray ( 1987 ) ) .
22 I saw the evil light in his eyes and knew that so far they had only been playing with me : their real intent was to kill .
23 Mrs Lydan has only been left with her memories since her husband died .
24 It turned out that she lived in some place called Romford and as she was due to take me back there the day after the funeral I had only been left with a few hours to make a decision .
25 This is a very laborious and exacting technique and , to date , it has only been used with a few plants .
26 What my Commander-in-Chief had to say to me is something that I will treasure for the rest of my days — and has only been shared with one other .
27 Certainly the measurement of programme expenditure has lagged far behind that of administrative expenditure ( National Audit Office , 1986b , para 12 ) , while ‘ little progress ’ has also apparently been made with integrating performance measurement with the public expenditure survey and parliamentary supply procedures ( Richards , 1987 , pp. 28–9 ) — a development much sought after by the Financial Management Unit .
28 It must be said that this has apparently been achieved with a good deal of success in many societies in many different periods .
29 The mobile radio truck , belonging to the Mass Communications Organization of Thailand , had apparently been interfering with military radio frequencies , and the armed forces sought the removal from the Cabinet of Police Capt. Chalerm Yubamrung , a Minister attached to the Prime Minister 's Office , when Chalerm publicly criticized the military over the affair .
30 She was saved from that particular choice by a boy of about seven , who had apparently been playing with his train set in the porch .
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