Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 One patient ( man aged 69 ) in whom H pylori had successfully been eradicated was recalled for further study .
2 One feature of this oddness which has perhaps been overlooked was pointed out by Allan Rechtschaffen , which is what he called the single mindedness of dreams .
3 The theory that had wrongly been supposed is that boiling water is hot enough to make tea .
4 Two questions you will constantly be asked are : What can be done with the old wreck ? and What will it cost and wo n't it be a waste of taxpayers ' money ?
5 All that can sensibly be said is that , given everything capitalism had gone through over the previous few years , a collapse of confidence was to be expected at some point .
6 To leave a habitat to degenerate and perhaps be destroyed is to injure all its animals , including of course the species concerned .
7 Combined with my relief that a resting-place had finally been found was satisfaction that I 'd had him with me for those first few hours and that he had not been whisked from his bed by complete strangers and reappeared , repackaged , at the crematorium a week later .
8 Implicit in what has already been said is the inescapable fact that many old people have , by reason of physical frailty , a degree of enforced dependence which is unwelcome .
9 This means that the essential choices are left open ; above all , it means that what has already been done is not yet irrevocable .
10 If the Government do introduce the order , will that not mean that the 5 million liability orders already granted and the 200 imprisonments that have already been made are illegal ?
11 The political and genealogical relationships which have already been exa-mined were grounded in a shared culture , itself in part determined by the church .
12 One possibility that has already been mentioned is anarchy , a progressive collapse of the social order because of the failure of the superego mechanisms which underpin it .
13 Do I take it that actually the remarks that have just been made are really in favour of having a third E H O , but that in fact that that in circumstances , will not be possible .
14 Is n't there an argument , and perhaps I am st getting now onto two , matter two , that says from Hambledon 's point of view , what has just been said is compelling , is a compelling argument in favour of identifying where the new settlement should go , because that will , at the same time , identify where it should not go ?
15 In the first place it was clear that it had been a mistake to let Alexei know that his transfer away from the Praetorian Guard had been requested — because if the boy was looking for an excuse for his antagonism , then the one with which he had just been presented was perfect .
16 The process which has just been described is clearly a very complex affair , but most of the decisions involved in it are programmable types of decisions .
17 The psychological developments which have just been discussed were the consequences of a traumatic loss , that of the primal mother , and were responses to it .
18 Is the fire wardens sort of aware you know , which way they 're meant to go if their , their exits they would normally are used are blocked ?
19 Copy posted into a basket could no longer be altered be the sender , only the recipient .
20 There was not , however , much discussion on the overall needs of the disabled , and research into how the needs could best be met was minimal .
21 Similar struggles have gone on in many of the successor republics ( some are still firmly authoritarian ) and the nature of the executive-assembly relations that will finally be established is uncertain .
22 Development in the open countryside would not normally be permitted is the way that the the draft policy 's guidance .
23 One that can easily be forced is the detection of switched off illumination ( or merely low light ) and this works reliably .
24 One area where the importance of process measurements had always been appreciated was in limestone areas and these were the focus of many of the earliest , and simplest process techniques developments .
25 It therefore looks as though a decade in which her political nerves had always been stretched was succeeded by a dangerous level of confidence when the situation became apparently so much safer ; she was no longer walking a tightrope , and she now walked too boldly on the ground .
26 The only time I have ever been bitten was when running with a partner who was petrified of dogs .
27 They have fewer opportunities than men to be nourished by their work , since they are more often involved in dull and repetitive jobs ; secondly , the domestic and nurturing skills in which they have usually been trained are held in lower esteem both in the home and in the workplace than administrative or management skills , so what they do is less likely to receive praise ; lastly , they are conditioned to value praise from men more highly than praise from women , who are more often their colleagues or first-level bosses .
28 But what can still be debated is whether such phenomena are related to the neuropsychological damage often attributed to lead .
29 The need for additional secure places that can be accessed by Leicestershire is not at issue , what 's still be investigated is how a regional service meeting varying types of needs can be provided discussions are still taking place with Northamptonshire county council and into some other current secure unit provider authorities as to how best Leicestershire can work with other local authorities in the region towards this objective .
30 A second way in which Lakatos 's methodology could conceivably be supported is as follows : The methodology might serve to identify a programme that received strong support from the scientific community but which does not conform to the methodology of research programmes , and this identification might subsequently lead to the novel discovery of some external cause , such as the intervention of some government or industrial monopoly .
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