Example sentences of "[adv] be [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 The drawbacks of this style used alone are that it can be slow and you have less control over your objective .
2 If I were looking for a fault with the conception of the series , it could only be that it lacks a single volume overview of the whole of the development of quantum theory , a volume concentrating on the broad sweep of ideas and leaving out the mathematical detail .
3 If an animal does not eat a food item at one moment but does later , it may only be because it was not hungry before , not because it has learned to see it .
4 And the net result of all of these things together is that it narrowed the cost value differentials between U K and overseas holidays .
5 ‘ The reason people have been concerned about this case for so long is that it is about far bigger issues .
6 The ICRF is such a worthy cause and what makes it particularly so is that it uses just 8p out of every £1 for administration , meaning 92p really goes on advancing the research , ’ she said .
7 Montaner is simple , just a huge keep and a walled enclosure ; this , in fact , is a regular polygon of twenty sides , though the angles are so gentle with that many sides that the feeling you have once you are inside is that it is circular .
8 The only thing that would have made it better was if it was in 3-D . ’
9 His statement to the conference and to me personally was that it was a Sunday issue .
10 oh it , it depends , I do n't think ours , we 've actually got twenty five pound at the moment , that 's , I du n no , that 's , that 's what it normally is and it 's twenty five P or thirty
11 A third reason for being able to open your dog 's mouth easily is if it swallows a bone , or a ball becomes stuck here .
12 The assumption made above was that it would be useful for subjective risk in driving to promote accurate memory and thus aid the driver in avoiding such situations in the future .
13 Yeah , basically it 's always been but it has n't been enforced for quite some time , that the clean up rate is four pounds and hour which equates to six pound an hour on a Saturday .
14 One of the key elements of the paper had always been that it should be run on consensus lines , with broad agreement among the group , often expressed by a vote before any decision was taken .
15 The two are entirely compatible if it is remembered that one of the popular theories of the nature of the state itself has always been that it was founded on a contract between the individual members of a society .
16 yeah there 's a muse th th there 's a museum at Carne in Normandy , I do n't know if anyone 's been there , we went there last year , and it , it 's a new museum , a memorial museum and that 's the most moving place I 've ever been because it 's actually designed to show how awful war is and that it should n't happen again , it 's not a museum glorifying war , it 's a museum showing that , that it should n't happen , we should n't let it happen and there 's a erm there 's a great big case as you go in which has er a statement from every country that took part in the war , including Germany , and they 're all there , they 're all there together saying that you should n't you should n't let it happen and , and and I , I thought that was the sort o you know i i it was very impressive because i it was n't glorifying anybody , it was n't saying we won the war , you lost the war it was it was a , a coming together to say that it should n't happen .
17 Lewis 's performance was a reminder of how compelling heavyweight boxing can still be when it dares to step out from behind the curtain of cynical and protective matchmaking ; when it dares to put on a career life-or-death fight between two men with the pedigree to be king .
18 It is not at all unlikely that at the conquest , Mehmed II appointed someone mufti in the newly conquered city ; and since the sources seem not to mention the appointment of anyone else to the post , it may possibly be that it was made an for Hizir Bey .
19 The reason why the corporatist vision takes a different stance on the question of whose interests corporate managers ought to further is because it pursues to its logical conclusion the implication for the classical view of the company of the separation of ownership and control in the large public company .
20 The danger of adopting a systems approach uncritically is that it is assumed that it is sufficient to identify system structures and to portray the multitudinous variables involved in a particular system which then reinforces the first law of ecology as graphically described by Commoner ( 1972 ) that everything is connected to everything else .
21 Er again , it 's all down to where you 're going to stand to take the photograph , and I 'm not so sure that you I think you 've gone a little , no you know , I , I criticized the other one a bit , from the same person I think it possibly is because it 's the same style , the same sort of mounting .
22 The problem with modernity , Enlightenment man 's home is that it masks the reality of his hopelessness from him .
23 She had to admit , however , that the main reason that she had phoned the Symses and answered their appeal so promptly was that it took her out of the house , and away from the strain of being with Mark in public while the incident of the night before still divided them .
24 As her best friend , Carolyn Bartholomew observes of the woman she has known since they were schoolgirls : ‘ She is not a happy person but she once was and it is my dearest hope that one day she will find the happiness she truly deserves . ’
25 Sequent Computer Systems Inc , a key partner in Microsoft Corp 's NT-on-multiprocessors push , is believed to have sent Microsoft changes in the code to enable Microsoft to add 30-way processor support for NT some time ago , and the last minute expectation before launch of NT yesterday was that it would be included on the NT compact disk .
26 But the reason he went that way yesterday was because it was cheaper at that supermarket .
27 The difficulty with natural selection which Taylor raises repeatedly is that it explains evolution by chance .
28 I do n't make any apologies for that , and maybe it is going over the old ground , but unless we do it , unless we try to do it , if we 've done it the way before been and it has n't produced what we , what we want , then surely it 's not for us to sit back and say , ‘ Well , it 's been through that and it has n't worked ’ , surely we ought to try again , and that 's what I hope to be doing , sort of value your support and see you .
29 It was designed to discover the feelings of fathers and ascertain exactly how much help they really are when it comes to tending to the baby 's needs .
30 The prevailing view of such work group resistance has often been that it stems from workers ' misunderstanding of management 's intentions .
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