Example sentences of "[adv] when [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The spur should be used occasionally and not constantly when riding your horse , misuse of the spur will make the horse ‘ dead to the leg ’ and will lose its effect .
2 She was particularly fond , especially when asked her opinion on some current controversy , of quoting the words of Muhammad to Abu Said al-Khudri : ‘ Is n't the testimony of a woman worth only half the testimony of a man ?
3 If quality of thought is important , why produce a written , quantified plan , especially when writing it up will use scarce management resources and will not be easy ?
4 We hope you find this new format helpful , especially when planning your summer !
5 She became desperate to break into this institutional twaddle , so when asked what she thought , she agreed enthusiastically , in order to keep them quiet and terminate the interminable .
6 But Deano 's no moaner , so when asked what he most enjoyed , he said with a grin : ‘ I guess it 's good , all the travelling !
7 So when buying it is wise to take along a plan of the room with all the essential measurements marked on it.l Material quantities can then be calculated in the shop .
8 There 's a legal term , caveat emptor , which means buyer beware , so when viewing it pays to be suspicious .
9 Thus when determining what contracts fall within or outside the ambit of s 3 , issues of reasonableness , equality of bargaining power and the possibility of negotiation are in fact not very relevant , except in so far as they could move a judge to finding that terms were standard or not in borderline cases .
10 They must take a realistic view and look objectively when deciding which movements will best describe individuality .
11 He adds : ‘ People who get carried away when describing their wares can end up in the small claims court . ’
12 His cheek was warm and smooth and very desirable , and she gave in , unable to push him away when having him close was so much more delightful .
13 Vardon owed his success to the simplicity of his golf , using a smooth , rhythmic , upright swing when driving and keeping his head absolutely still when making his putts .
14 And I 'll touch it later when let them do it !
15 He could have given us a picture of Halling in the 16th century , but we will come to that later when investigating his own life here at Halling .
16 This can be seen most clearly when considering their behaviour .
17 Working with a graduate student , Andrew Himes , Dr Simpson decided he had overestimated the number of fat neutrinos , but that he still saw them , both when repeating his work on tritium and when looking at the beta decays of sulphur .
18 Tip : Always dry lettuce carefully when using it as a filling to prevent sandwiches going soggy .
19 So she dressed neatly , and helped in the harvest , and looked people calmly in the face , even when holding her baby in her arms .
20 At present , Akeakamai can understand sentences of up to five words , and can understand commands even when hearing them for the first time .
21 The Arnoldian tradition relates art firmly to being in all its existential , moral and aesthetic modalities , but in so doing perhaps diminishes our awareness of the unique properties of the arts as arts ; conversely , while the continental schools in various ways direct our attention to the formal or technical properties of the arts ( even when contesting them ) , they perhaps risk losing the human frame of reference .
22 It proved an exhausting process , and even when accomplished there were fears that the Scots might attack during the night .
23 But the real problem is that no matter how reactionary their articles seem to be the writers still tend to be enmeshed in the thought patterns of the Straightworld even when deriding it , which can only work like walking on a treadmill towards the new World .
24 Even when parking his car he looked masterly , totally in control .
25 His mother , by contrast , is the most vividly realised character in the book : nervy , flirtatious and selfish , already on her third husband , she thinks primarily of her appearance , even when visiting her dying daughter , Francis 's twin .
26 Such places still exist but even when tackling them years ago it required a full team of professionals to make any worthwhile impression on the rabbits within .
27 It 's a shame because years ago when Miss what was her
28 Do n't expect too many favours around the 26th or 28th , particularly when handling anything of a legal or business nature .
29 I was n't too sure at first if it 'll fit him , but when he put the trousers on , when he put the trousers on first , I thought no , no way , but then when pinned them , you know , they I thought , I thought , but .
30 How long will it take for the population to double , i.e. when do we have to feed twice as many people ?
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