Example sentences of "[adv] one of his " in BNC.

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1 it 's terrible to talk like this , he has got all the features , but perhaps one of his characteristics erm , why he .
2 This picture is indisputably one of his finest works and the rareness of his oeuvre ( Favretto died aged just 37 ) has fuelled expectations of a record price .
3 Canizales , who is 24 and has lost only one of his 24 fights , lives in Houston , and Hardy 's manager , Dennie Mancini , said it had cost ‘ certainly far in excess of £100,000 ’ to entice him to Sunderland .
4 Her father , it should be noted , observed only one of his daughter 's friends , who appears in the poetry as ‘ Fidelia ’ [ see ML , 2 , p. xxx ] .
5 Only one of his plays , the charming ‘ comedietta for two voices in three conversations ’ called Village Wooing , which featured the local postmistress , took its inspiration from Ayot .
6 One person can scarcely have the time or the expertise needed to find out what has been published and link this to readers ' needs throughout his authority , especially when book provision is only one of his many responsibilities .
7 Julius Caesar is to some extent a case apart , being not only one of his most successful operas when first performed in 1724 , but also the most frequently revived this century , recently even having the dubious distinction of being given the ‘ Peter Sellars ’ treatment on television .
8 Jackson , the WBC middleweight champion with a 45-1 record and 42 knockouts , KO 'd club fighter Eddie Hall ( 21-9 ) , who had won only one of his last five fights .
9 He shared only one of his father 's gifts : he was a mighty warrior .
10 Only one of his pupils is known , R. F. Cheetham , who praised his Master thus :
11 Only one of his siblings , a brother , survived to adulthood .
12 He had put in an appearance , perforce , at the ceremony at the Tower , to appoint his proctors , but returned to Chester as soon as he decently could , and had not left it again to come to the council at his own manor of Kennington , sending only one of his esquires with a report on the situation — admittedly an admirably full and expert report — to lay before the assembly .
13 Gibbons is believed to be planning a realignment of portfolios , elevating the environment and lowering the life sciences in the OSTP hierarchy , but only one of his choices for the four vacant associate directorships has as yet been cleared by the White House and nominated by the president .
14 Only one of his birdie putts was more than 12 feet as he continued to pepper the pins .
15 Finally one of his hosts explained the source of the racket , a hut in the yard outside .
16 Thus one of his leading disciples , a woman named Egeria , embarked , between 381 and 384 , on a special journey to the Middle East .
17 Robert Malpas , chairman of the privatised power company Powergen , was quoted as saying that he would like to ‘ get away ’ with fitting FGD at just one of his power stations .
18 She thought now that it was just one of his acts , put on to get sympathy .
19 Meet the bundle of emotions he 'd created with just one of his psych-tech tricks .
20 If you try to shackle Ian 's natural exuberance , you are taking away one of his biggest strengths and the roving goalscorer will look uncomfortable in a rigid system .
21 In the mirror she saw him slide open one of his drawers , checking that his suspicion was correct , that the contents of the drawers had become the contents of the packed bag .
22 As she watched him in silence he slid open one of his desk drawers and lifted out a sheaf of papers .
23 But only yesterday one of his own batch had n't been so lucky , and it was when the news broke in the camp that he knew he could still feel emotion .
24 ‘ Perhaps , ’ he agreed before lapsing into silence , but not before she 'd seen his face reflect the pleasure he 'd experienced at her instant recognition of what was clearly one of his favourite recordings .
25 Years later one of his photographic portraits was purchased by the museum .
26 ‘ He is exciting and unpredictable and while that can make it difficult for others to play with him , it is also one of his great strengths .
27 Golf is also one of his interests , playing at a local club trying to reduce his 13 handicap .
28 An Oxford graduate , he had moved into general management in manufacturing and then into international construction and consultancy from which he had been headhunted by Richard Addis , now one of his senior partners .
29 Expressed was a need to ‘ belong ’ ; a small firm , a boss who knows you as one of his employees , who walks around the factory — a benevolent authority — with the right and the ability to make decisions on the spot .
30 In all probability Craigbarnet did not really expect to displace Kirkton as collector , for as one of his friends put it , ‘ if your grace be not alrady ingaged it would be a great act of charity , but if you are he is willing to joyn him self wt any on[e] your Grace will name ’ .
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