Example sentences of "[adv] as if in " in BNC.

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1 I saw it was Alec , walking slowly as if in a daze , his right hand held up to his nose and mouth , his eyes downcast .
2 Nor can it be compared with the ballerina 's dance in Rhapsodie where she wafts to and fro as if in a dream before breaking into her solo .
3 He stiffened suddenly as if in sudden pain , as he recollected the incident .
4 Nell laid her cheek on her hands , held together as if in prayer , forming a pillow .
5 No one had bothered to wind it for a long time ; the two hands were clasped together as if in prayer , pointing eternally upwards — either to heaven or to twelve o'clock .
6 And then , just as if in answer to her private thought , the pilot went on : ‘ I 'd like to kiss each one of you before I go , but as I ca n't very well do that I 'll give your Brown Owl a big thank-you kiss for you all ! ’
7 He had , however , and deliberately , put these words away as if in a cupboard .
8 We move along the road fast as if in a dream .
9 When she had finished and the lute had fallen silent , he looked across at Tsu Ma and saw how the T'ang sat there , his head bowed , his hands clasped together tightly as if in grief .
10 Although Steven Morrissey 's general depression , disgust and horror was certainly fuel for his songwriting ( he wrote constantly , almost as if in anticipation of the forthcoming band ) , he never really thought to question why he wrote .
11 It is almost as if in Ichthus the word evangelism is synonymous with church planting .
12 An eminent psychologist has remarked that a man in a mood is almost as if in the grip of a small psychosis , and can find himself helpless in the face of it , unless he has trained himself not to identify with it too strongly .
13 She must have been upstairs because almost as if in answer to him we heard her heavy tread on the stairs .
14 During the past year , he decided to devote himself completely to healing and , almost as if in response , phenomena more powerful than anything before have started to happen .
15 And when he spoke again , it was almost as if in reverence .
16 The lines remain constant almost as if in defiance at the narrowing down of life in the actual theme or to provide a strong medium for the subject of the weakness of old age .
17 No scene , perhaps , in The Lord of the Rings is more moving or more suggestive than the one in which Sam and Frodo , in Mordor , see the wind changing and the darkness driven back , and then as if in answer to prayer come upon a trickle of water : ‘ ill-fated ’ and ‘ fruitless ’ in appearance , but at that moment seemingly a message from the world outside , beyond the Shadow .
18 Long , straight fingers of light searched the sky in sweeping arcs , meeting , touching briefly as if in greeting , then sweeping away again to circle the brooding night .
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