Example sentences of "[adv] what her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was very strange that she did n't mind too much what her parents thought , or even Georg , but Uncle Willi so loved his pre-production party , and this year was really excited about it , that she just could n't let him down .
2 But , before she could sort out just what her feelings were at this blatant example of male collusion , Folly found herself being steered towards the revolving doors to the street .
3 Just what her Dad used to do .
4 No wonder that the answer to the puzzle was AN EXCLUSIVE SCOOP and that is just what her entry has been for Ann Scudder of Dartford , Kent as she is the one to scoop up this fabulous prize .
5 Harriet , reading between the lines , knew exactly what her daughter meant .
6 ‘ Look , she 's perfectly welcome to stay here — I just did n't know exactly what her plans were . ’
7 Because rubbish is exactly what her art is .
8 As they bumped down the narrow track from the house to the lake shore , Pete asked her exactly what her job entailed .
9 Sit her down and tell her exactly what her job is , set the targets and what you expect her to achieve .
10 First of all , let's look at Barbara , who does n't understand what she 's supposed to be doing , because you 've failed to tell her clearly what her responsibilities are .
11 Not terribly no , so , you must define for her clearly what her responsibilities are .
12 I know now what her power is strong enough to shatter a man 's mind and cast him from this world .
13 She thought that as she knew so well what her therapist would say , it was indeed a waste of money to continue seeing her .
14 Jennifer knew very well what her future held — her marriage to Steven was imminent .
15 ‘ What exactly is keeping you awake , Mum ? ’ asked Rachel casually , knowing full well what her mother 's reply would be .
16 When asked eight weeks ago what her dream for the future was , Tatum replied : ‘ It 's that when John 's career is finished he takes care of the kids while I make two pictures a year and get to pick my scripts and work with whoever I want .
17 But , of course , executive control of Parliament and Parliament 's supremacy over the courts mean that the constitution may become simply what Her Majesty 's Government says it is .
18 Somehow she had expected six inches of semi-darkness , and half a face enquiring suspiciously what her business might be at this hour .
19 She wondered again what her grandfather 's thoughts and feelings had been in those few days at Dudley House .
20 He wondered again what her game was in Vetch Street , and what rich young fellow was waiting for her , back in her real life .
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